Bedwars Player/Team count

Good day! Recently I was playing squads and duos. In some Bedwars games you can view how many players are in a team by doing /list or tablist or by the scoreboard. Hive has none of them. If i am missing it some where please inform me otherwise I strongly believe this is a good suggestion.

Like the ability to press tab on Hypixel to see the teams and players?
Tab is unfourtunately only a java feature and cannot be done on Hive without them making their own (a huge use of time)
While it can help with what team you kill in Bedwars, isn’t that technically targeting? lol

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Yes i know that tab is only a java feature. But some servers on Bedrock has a feature to write /list and the you can see all the players in the server and what team they are on.

I would not say it’s targeting. if your the only one left in your team and you don’t know how many are in the other you would most likely camp. You can also press esc to see all the players connected but it don’t show the teams which i understand. But in Cubecraft you can type /list. Would be an excellent feature in my mind.