EU bedwars duos server
so it happend to my friend while playing bedwars duos he couldnt move on my screen but on his he could walk everywhere.he couldnt buy things in the shop only dropping stuff himself andpicking stuff up that i dropped him
bloth of us played the newest version of minecraft and on the nintendo switch
i dont have one forgot to take the screenshot 
Thank you for taking the time to submit this bug report.
Unfortunately, we need more information about this issue since we couldn’t reproduce it consistently.
If anyone else has experienced this issue, any information, replays or videos would be incredibly helpful.
Have a wonderful day! 
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i dont have replay thats why i cant show it
You can get the replay ID of your current game by typing /replay. If the game has ended, you can type /recentreplays to view the replays of your last ten games. Clicking a replay in this menu will put the replay ID in your chat.
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so it was really rare so i cant guarantee if i can get the replay of this
This could just be lag? Something like this has happened to me before usually before I get kicked due to a bad internet connection where I cannot access the shop chests or anything and everyone else sees me as frozen. Maybe he lost connection but only just a strand left so he could still do things without the game disconnecting/going back to normal again?
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