Bedwars name color bug

**Affected Service: North America, Bedwars map: Aero

What is the bug?
I was playing bedwars and after I killed lime team, lime got a hit before they died and ended up eliminating magenta. But somehow instead of their name being green, it ended up being aqua, which is my original team. This is a minor bug and doesn’t affect gameplay. This wasn’t a duos game cuz Aero is a solo map.

Device(s) & Version
iOS , Minecraft version 1.21.44

Screenshots, replay IDs, and/or videos:
look at the chat messages
replay ID : EasiestPumpkinPie1266


Thank you for taking the time to submit this bug report.

Unfortunately, we’ll require more information about this issue since we couldn’t replicate it consistently.

If anyone else has experienced this issue, any information or videos would be
incredibly helpful.

Have a wonderful day! :slightly_smiling_face:

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We have been able to replicate this issue ourselves and have now logged it to be fixed in a future update.

Thanks for reporting it!