Bedwars fly glitch

Btw I found a bug which makes u fly like when u r jump bridging and someone fire balls u… I can still jump bridge butt the blocks won’t appear

Android 1.20.62
Asia region

Thanks for submitting a bug report.

Could you possibly provide a video, or replay ID of a game where this occurred?

You can grab a game’s replay ID by typing /replay (if the game is ongoing), or (if it’s one of your ten most recent games) type /recentreplays and select the game.


I have played too many bedwars games too find it out so sorry but I’ll do it next time for sure

Since we haven’t received any further information on this issue we are closing the bug report. If you have any more details or issues with this bug then please make a new bug report with the relevant information :slightly_smiling_face: