Affected Language:
Brazilian Portuguese
Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Bed Wars
- Bed Hub - Challenges
- Team Upgrade Chat Text - Regeneration
- BW Custom Server - Health on Kill
- Upgrade Bench
- Team Upgrade Chat Text - Faster Respawn
- Team Upgrade Chat Text - Starter Sword
- Bed Wars Team Name
Affected Text:
- Desafios diários atualizados em [time left]!
- ‘Sua equipe irá regenerar a saúde mais rapidamente quando não estiver em combate.’
- Quantidade de saúde para dar após uma morte
- Possuídos
- ‘Respawn mais rápido! Sua equipe irá fazer respawn mais rápido.’
- ‘Sua equipe fará respawn com uma espada de madeira.’
- Equipa Vermelha
Suggested Text:
- Desafios Diários atualizam em [time left]!
- ‘Sua equipe irá regenerar a vida mais rapidamente quando não estiver em combate.’
- Quantidade de vida entregue após um abate
- Adquirido
- ‘Ressurgimento mais rápido! Sua equipe irá ressurgir mais rápido.’
- ‘Sua equipe ressurgirá com uma espada de madeira.’
- Equipe Vermelha
Explanation of Issue:
1 . Incorrect tense of the word ‘atualizar’. The current translation suggests that the challenges took x amount of time to update, but it was actually supposed to mean that they will update in x amount of time.
2. Changing the word ‘saúde’ to the word ‘vida’. Both are correct, but the word ‘vida’ is used more in games, in other parts of the server and in Minecraft itself, so I think it’s good to keep everything similar!
3. Two changes: first, the same thing as the previous one, leaving everything equivalent for the word ‘‘vida’’; second, the change of the word ‘‘morte’’ to ‘‘abate’’ - In other minigames, ‘‘morte’’ is already used for the translation of death (when the player dies) and ‘‘abate’’ for the translation of ‘‘kill’’ (when the player eliminates another player), so it’s good to leave everything the same (:
4. ‘Possuídos’ is correct, but less common and can be a bit weird. ‘Adquirido’ is a better way of using the same meaning and is equivalent to the text above the items that says ‘‘Adquira aprimoramentos’’
5 & 6. The change here was in the word ‘respawn’. ‘Fazer respawn’ is weird, because nobody says it like that when talking about video games. I suggested the word ‘Ressurgir’ which is used in several games, but if you want to keep it informal in the sense of ‘respawn’ you can use the term ‘Respawnar’, which is a way of saying ‘to respawn’ and is MUCH more common (but informal, it’s not a real portuguese word)
- Re: Action of repeating something that has already been done
- Spawnar: Informal way used in games to speak when your character appears (ar = an action that will be performed - Eu vou chorar = I’m going to cry)
7 . Correct way to spell the word ‘Equipe’ - This grammatical error is only found in the red team
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