Becoming Invincible in Hide and Seek as a ... Hider

I was in NA region when I found out that I could become invincible as a hider.

The bug requires you to have a friend. Most players don’t have friends, so this isn’t too big of an issue for them. For the few that have friends, (if they’re both hiders) they can go on top of each other and have one become a permanent block while the other glitches inside the block. If you’re positioned correctly, you can become impervious to all damage as the sword can’t register through blocks.

Computer, console, mobile can get in.

Replay code: AffectionateDiamond4883

Hey there!

Thanks for submitting a bug report.

Unfortunately, we’ve been unable to replicate this issue.

Any further information would be appreciated and any videos would also be very helpful.

Hello Memu,
I think I have seen a bug report about this recently,
He means that with another hider you can go through the wall
Have a good day!

Hey there :wave:

Thank you for submitting a bug report. This issue has already been reported and logged.

Have a great day! :slightly_smiling_face:

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