Be able to get pickaxes from chests

bruh i never said u cant win without a pickaxe but for some players who dont know how to combo/play on mobile (which makes it harder to combo) it basically relies on good loot and pickaxes are a main component of a game

I think your forgetting chests

yes yes you have a 100% chance of getting blocks from chests and we get diamond armour and sharpness 2 swords from it too i heard there were even knockback nemos in it

Fix: Use hotkeys : ) (Unless your on console or mobile) I think this could be added but it shouldn’t decrease rarity of anything else, like it should just have a chance to spawn along with other things that are normally inside the chest.

you mean change our playstyle? becuz my fingers wont reach 9 from shift


Then change what button you use for slot 9 if reaching over is a problem. I personally use F for 9.


Lol don’t use number keys (only 1,2,3 if you really really want to), set up mouse buttons and change what keys go to what slots. For example you can Z be slot 3 and that could be your clutching slot, or R be slot 2 and that could be your snowball slot.

i think you haven’t heard of assigning hotkeys in mc before, which can make life easy


i dont even use hotkeys i like my scroll wheel it works good enough

scroll wheel isnt good enough lol

i get having hotkeys to certain numbers and then using scroll wheel, but scroll wheel by itself is unreliable
i use
1- tab
2- 2
3- 3
4- v
5- mb4
6- f
7- c
8- x
9- z
toggle perspective- mb5

I am so used to just using the scroll wheel I do not even know if I could hotkey. I feel like its fine how it is. Where you only get one pickaxe because most times you do not drop it and you can as many already said just kill someone to get it. So I think its fine how it is, I remember though when this game first came out I think they had that.

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i put my pick in my 9th slot, i have it as z, just dont drop ur pick lmao

hotkeys makes life easy due to how easy you get to swap to a item, and it’s instant instead of scrolling. i recommend you should practice it

see my hotkeys sacrifice what some people use as their sprint key.
1-5 are normal (2 is a little hard but 5 is fine for me)
9- middle click
My sprint key is set as shift and my crouch is v.
(also as a note, my middle click is very easy to press down on)

As a mobile player I proudly don’t understand any of this

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ik but its kinda hard to remember all the keys i use scroll wheel

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then practice it then, it’s not too horrible to practice


remember those days where u would start with a stone pickaxe, and have to mine ores for better oness
Aside, this doesn’t happen to me much because 3/4 times im just fighting and barely mining besides before warmup but good suggestion anyway.


What don’t u play on xbox how

keyboard plug into xbox