Make the match making with mobile vs pc vs other platforms more enjoyable by making it very balanced and fun.
What is the point of levels if you always get match up with level 3x higher than yours
Its hard to level up when you always get destroyed by high level people .
I want HIVE Minigames to improve the matchmaking balanced by making it so you can only get matchup with people level higher than5 or lower than 5 from your level .
It will be very Good if this get approved it will make some people happy. Matchmaking in today’s games is very bad i played on a level 8 acc and i get matched up with 20+ level higher than me. if someone is very good at the game and they only get matchup with low levels its very boring killing low level bc some high level ppl want thrill while fighting.
Its very good if you make this happen Hive MiniGames.
My name is deadlyspace and Thank you very much for reading this.
This doesn’t seem too bad. Anyways, welcome to the forums!
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Welcome to the forums
Thanks for spending time making this suggest there are a view things I would like to point out. The first is that if you are a lower level the chances of being in a game with a hacker increases as most people who cheat would be making new accounts therefore have lower levels. Making the experience even less enjoyable.
The second reason is that queues will take a lot longer to fill up especially if you have prestiged. As to get a full game wouldn’t be likely.
This is true hypixel is also having the same problems
The low player count will create some problems including:
-It would take long to start games, which is not good for a gamemode that lasts 5 minutes most of the time.
-You would be fighting the same people, which is bad if some dude keeps killing you, and a bigger problem when there’s a cheater with an alt at low levels.
Skill based matchmaking will solve the problem of sweats farming on low level noobs in another region, but will still keep the problems of low level players.
Yeah but if the hacker problem was fixed idk how then maybe i would suggest this because there are many new hive players everyday
level doesnt = skill, and i think this is a dupe
this also might encourage smurfing