Balance The new Preview SG

With the new preview in survival games they have messed up alot of things, but thats why they released a “Preview”. So lets make a few suggestions. (Btw if you have an idea state it in your comment as ill be constantly editing this post to make sure everything is the best it can be so that some of these things may be added)

  1. Limit boom-boxes, with how high the rate of boom boxes are it is just cluttering inventories and not getting much use anyways. And to go further just remove the fire boom-boxes, fire already had to be nerfed in skywars due to it being over powered, and the fire on the ground can cause frame drops.

  2. Add tracker description, with how the new tracker can detect teammates, drops, ect. You they should add in a description for when you hover your cursor over the item explaining how it works.

  3. Drop zones, with the new item that allows you to call an airdrop i feel that it should only work if there is nothing above you, like if you try and throw one inside a building a message in chat could say “item cannot be used inside of a building”.

  4. Make chest break time longer, i have terrible pickup-priority, so do many other people, so when the game just starts and you go to loot some chests there are often times where someone will just left click the chests and steal all the loot due to having good pickup-priority. This wouldnt even be that bad as there are already axes in the game and it would make players have the need to carry one around.

  5. Reskin some textures, most notably the helicopter. whenever i go near the helicopter my frames begin to drop noticeably, being on a fairly decent ps4 i can just imagine how that would impact the mobile community.

  6. Make Teleporters randomized, as it stands randomizers will always bring you to the same location, but if you make the locations randomized you could have it so the Teleporter in the sewers by the ravine could bring you to the Teleporter at the castle where it goes right now OR the other Teleporters aroud the map.

  7. Make supply drops less op, supply drops were meant to be op due to how they only spawned in late game, and they were meant to be kinda rare, it might be a good idea to instead just switch the loot-tables for cows and supply drops.

These are only a few suggestions but it would help alot. ~Zoelys alt

its pain
just pain
anyways, i agree with all of these, gj on the suggestion

all of these are good ways to improve survival games

i just have a 1 thing to add

for console players fire boom boxes are gonna be a huge problem since we can’t use texture packs so i’d also like to mention how removing fire boom boxes would be good

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It’s good for me on iphone

good suggestion you have my vote

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i think it would be better to make seperate suggestions for each because while i do agree with some points, others i do not! maybe it counts as spamming in the rules, i have no idea


Also campfires need to be nerfed, they’re way to common.

worst attempt of bait i ever seen my guy

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