Backrooms, room shake effect


room shake effect should be random and still be able to be activated by waving at the mirror.

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It makes the game more immersive and really makes the backrooms seem more dangerous/unstable which is cool, now that most have gotten the costume it doesn’t happen anymore which is a waste and honestly makes it seem a little more plain/boring. If you agree please upvote

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For people with something like epilepsy, this could trigger something that isn’t good for their body, although there could be a setting item with the option of turning shaking and flickering lights off :thinking:.

That is not true, there are still hundreds and probably thousands that still haven’t gotten the costume. Also, I’m sure all of us are tired of the Backrooms being constantly voted whenever it is available, and this would just increase the people voting it. Also, since we are all tired of this map, honestly don’t care if it stays plain or boring since it’s such an annoying map.

I will not be voting as I don’t think this is a very good idea.

Have a great day! :smile:

PS: No offense to the creator of this topic from what I said. I do not have anything against you, I just personally disagree with this idea.


Yes, and I even thought the shaking was a glitch :sweat_smile:


I actually LOVE seeing the different variants of the map. I feel like toy house just gets voted to much, while I haven’t played chroma in months!