Auto kick murderer after 2 afk/no kill minutes

im saying that I agree with your post @Rechenheft

i agree it would be nice if rhey did autokick the murderer after 2 minutes with no kills but sadly they probably will never do this but your right its frustrating playing a murder mystery game and the murderer doesn’t kill I’ll usually say something in chat like kill already and it mostly works

But it would be more frustrating to be murder and get kicked because you cannot find people to kill. When I was starting out I was terrified to kill people, so I would just kill very rarely. I might have stopped playing if I had been kicked.
This could make new players not want to be murderer, and it could even make it so that the problem of the murderer leaving mid game even worse if no one wants to be murderer.
Anyway that’s my opinion on this topic

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What iff there is a thing that says you have not caught anyone would you like to shuffle roles? And it asks everyone and you get an item and once the majority has voted they roles shuffle?

But then a party of people could all vote yes, win the majority just to try to get murderer

I thought most people requed cus they were murderer

But if they were in a call then it would be teaming which is reportable and also it only happens at a certain point in a game after the murderer has not killed anyone fora certain amount of time and this can happen maybe afew times maybe 2 or 3 in the whole game

A lot of people like being murderer though, like me

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Im terrible but i dont mind i prefer sherrif

I think murderer is best role. Anyway back on topic I think it would be better to keep it the way it is

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But i enjoy any role and i dont want to be suddenly kicked or changed role just cus im terrible at murderer and anyway if i dont try i wont improve so maybe it should stay but definitely not taking away the role just cus im terrible

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off topic but I must say this is much better read with context lol

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Oh yeah oops

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thats true but how would you not find people there ecerywhere on the maps no one is going to be like lets all hide in the map to troll the murderer not trying to be rude but its just hard to believe that you cant find anyone and besides if you dont have a bow by the 2:30 mark people will shoot at uou bc it looks suspicious at that point


i don’t really agree with kicking the murderer, but a couple warnings over the course of 3-4 minutes would be good. Maybe if the murderer doesn’t kill anyone after 3 minutes, they are turned back into an innocent, and a random person is rechosen.

This would also be followed with a global message that says “The Murderer has changed! Watch out!”

That’d probably be a better solution than adding another murderer or ending the game.


I mean sometimes people hide, I know I have. I know the entire lobby will most likely not hide, but still, for a new murderer who does not kill often this would be a death sentence.


Bro make this a post this needs to be voted.


That would be so random and kind of ruin the game, because if u had a bow, then became murd, then people would still think youre inno

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it would be nice if they did this but they wont sadly if you dont want to be the murderer then leave dont drag the game out and waste peoples time we shouldnt have to reque bc the murderer doesnt want to kill

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