Auto deletion bot


I think this is something that hive discord needs to have, as i feel that its much faster than reporting chains. The hive could add a auto delete bot whereby if a certain word exceeds more than 4 times it gets auto deleted as chains are an issue on the discord and its not enough from helpers stopping chains without a auto delete bot

I feel that it will also reduce the need fir helpers to remind not to start chains, although they are still needed if the bot goes offline for some reason

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But those are the helpers’ jobs; that’s why they are called “helpers”. They HELP with the server.

But helpers cant always be active they still got their irl stuff to do. Even if the helpers were to stop chains, chains would potentially be continued. Im on the server so ik whats going on

What do you mean by:


For example, if multiple people say the same word continously

Something like this :arrow_double_down:


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