Instead of just doing the shop and filling up your Team Chest why not have an Upgrade instead then NO mess!!
More information:
Also be able to upgrade starting sword to iron from stone from WOOD with there respective prices and maybe throw in an emerald?
Armour would be individual and not show on the pillar
Can jump straight to Diamond as when you press armour takes you to sub menu same with Sword also maybe extra diamonds/emeralds
Expansion of armour cus i accidentally forgot i already made one for armour: Armour as upgrade?
just throw it into the void whenever you see it, easy enough. I dont see any reason for it to be an upgrade though as it IS still personal, maybe if there was like a teamwide prot upgrade but not personal armor. it fits well enough in the shop imo
Its not that easy on so e devices and anyway mivht as well instead of a wasting a diamond sword apcus you tried to do smth and now you can tget another cus theres a full diamond guarding the emeralds
Also isnt it annoying or usual!y losing your diamond swirdband the centre is being guarded!?!
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I disagree with this as filling up chests with stuff was fun, its the experience not the efficiency. stone swords are too OP for a starting thing, wood sword is balanced as it is. For armor once you buy it, you always keep it so it isn’t a problem and it wont be a problem to devices like mobile who have trouble moving and stuff as they’ll get used to it.
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Bro an iron starting sword is way too overpowered. Any starting sword is a huge edge over the attackers and an iron one is way too much.
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Agreed!, a wood sword is pretty balanced as of now and anything above that is beyond OP
Yall don’t understand this post, He is saying that if you have a wooden sword then buy a stone sword the wood one turns to stone. If you die it will turn back to wood.
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I dont know what 10month ago me is saying
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Why can’t we just buy a normal stone sword without any transformations then? why do you need this.
Because there is no point having 2 swords, it clogs the inventory
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It really is not that difficult to drop a sword. (or any other item)
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It’s QoL Like a don’t NEED this but I wouldn’t be against it
I would accept it as long as other sword purchasing methods remained existent, but I wouldn’t be out campaigning for it as it is such a small feature. I did vote, however.