Arcade Hub Game Queue

Affected Language:
German :de:

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Arcade Hub Game Queue

Affected Text:
[GRAY]Du bist der Warteschlange für [AQUA]{0} [RESET]beigetreten [DARK_GRAY][Position {1}/{2}]

Suggested Text:
[GRAY]Du bist der Warteschlange für [AQUA]{0} [GRAY]beigetreten [DARK_GRAY][Position {1}/{2}]

Explanation of Issue:
The text that comes after the game name should be gray as the rest of the string, not white.

Screenshots and/or video:

Hey there :wave:

Our translators have approved this suggestion, and it will soon be implemented into the game.

Thank you for contributing to the improvement of our translations! :translations:

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