April fools boombox ideas

So, since April fools is coming up eventually, and they need some time to make these ideas, in sharing them now!
So, here are my April fools boombox ideas!

Its a placeable boombox that essentially acts like a regular block.

This is a boombox that you can get by mining a gold ore. It is pink, and when you mine it you get a saddle, carrot on a stick, and the pig-box. So here is how it works: when it blows up, it will spawn an invincible pig. You cannot even hit it. You can ride around and pvp on a pig! I mean is that not everyone’s dream?

Time boombox:
Randomly explodes

Mystery box:
Has the effect of any boombox or Minecraft effect, like for example you could get poison, invisibility(minus armor) or even wither.

So anyway, I’ll probably add more, but for now, that’s it. Thanks for reading, and please leave feedback!

Explodes only when it collides with a player :boombox:

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I feel like that’s already been suggested but idk

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