An Option to Hide your Level- Reducing Targeting and Toxicity

Note: this wouldn’t just apply to treasure wars, but I think it will mainly help the treasure wars community.

You’re playing a game…
You speak in chat.
Teams target you like crazy.
It’s gets impossible and you die.

Lemme ask you this, how many times have you died from targeting? I know for a fact that I get targeted at least 8 times in a month.

There was even a time when I was playing squads, and all the other 3 teams were rushing us and there was no way to counter it as we killed a team coming for our base, but then we were low so we died to the other teaming coming to our base and we got overwhelmed.

It’s crazy and we need to stop it.

Also, toxicity? Have you ever had a person talking to you in chat, and being toxic just because your level? There have been countless times when I was killed by a lower level and the player said “ez ur trash lol” I would’ve bet so much money that he wouldn’t have said that if it was a level one the player killed

This wouldn’t reduce toxicity too much, but I think it will certainly help and anything to help shut down toxicity is worth it, in my opinion.

So here’s my suggestion:

An option to hide your levels

Yes that’s right, an option to hide your levels.

Simply, if you have the option on, when you speak in chat, your level wouldn’t be visible. Your level wouldn’t be visible either in lobbies.

There is a flaw in this though, and that’s cosmetics. People can tell what level you are by looking at your cosmetics unless you are equipping a cosmetic that is worse than your newest one.

What is usually do anyway is equip the worst cosmetics, crouch in the lobby so they can’t see my level and I never speak in chat.

The above me is a decent method, except you can’t talk in chat. You can’t talk to your team mates. Also, you can’t flex your cosmetics. It gets kinda boring not being able to talk ngl.

So I think there should also be an option to set all your cosmetics to default right next to the “Hide your Level in game.” option.

I think how you should be able to access these options is through /toggle as I think that’s already a command.

Also, this wouldn’t diminish targeting completely, as if a player thinks you are pretty good, they still might target you, but I think it will reduce targeting by at least 70%

I think this feature would help the community a lot as:

  1. It reduces targeting by so much.
  2. Also reduces the toxicity a lil’ bit.

Vote on this if you agree

Yes yes yes yes you have ALL my votes yes yes yes yes Y E S

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I mean it could say instead of a level it could say

[?] DiamondBoy4005 [+]

If you were me and had hidden your level and had hive +

Sorry for double post

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I think the place where the level should show shouldn’t be there at all imo

Party chat is being tested for all regions, and flexing your cosmetics is the exact same thing as flexing your level

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And if your team mates aren’t in a party?

I guess. What level are you anyways?

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You got a point right there. I still think this should be added tho, to reduce targeting and toxicity. As I said, there should be an option to set your cosmetics to default and I guess cosmetics aren’t that cool anyway


Im 39 and id still use this

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Everyone would just hide there level for no reason, and it would be boring. Besides, in squads, you either rush one team, or another. Sometimes 2 teams will target you at once just by chance. As for the toxicity, you can report that in the Hive’s official discord server


Not really, I don’t see how it would be boring. Most people probably wouldn’t even know about the command. Also, I think it’s better to have everyone hide their level, then everyone target the high level player. I still don’t get why the hive even shows the level, other than flexing.

That is true, but a lot of players don’t know about the discord, and just reporting the people that are toxic wouldn’t really solve the toxicity problem imo.

Welp I’ve never seen any real enforcement against toxicity, idk if that is helpful.
I get that ur levels are shown with ur name in lobby, but why chats? in fact, both level and team color should not be shown in the chats imo.

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People who are reported to be toxic get muted. If they’re muted, they can’t be toxic, and will think twice about it in the future

This is actually the perfect solution to the targeting issue; There’s a reason it does happen as often in Skywars


While I think targeting happens irrespective of level, not showing lvls at all should be a solution. like not show any lvls at all, anywhere. of-course, some ppl would like to flex, so there could be an option in the global locker, kinda like with costumes. I can see 4 possible options to have in the locker,
1- dont show lvls at all
2- dont show lvls in chat
3- dont show lvls in game lobby
4- show all lvls
I think this is what we all can agree upon.

maybe a /levelnick command? you’d unlock it at max level (or somewhere close to that) and you’d be able to change the number to whatever you want (obviously not above the max)


Not showing the team you’re on in chat fixes the targeting better. Half the lobby would be hiding their levels, and I think they’re interesting to see.
Reporting people fixes the toxicity part.
Therefore, I don’t think it’s necessary at all.

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If you unlocked it close to max, everyone would know you are high level anyway

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More like, having the command at lvl 50, then you could set the lvl at anything upto ur current lvl, not higher ofc.

But ngl, I like my suggestion better lol

how? you’d change it to a lower level and poof, no one knows ur a high level

Maybe the command for it could be /togglelevel