Alright, hear me out I put this in suggestions TW for a reason. So there’s two teams. Each have their own squads island, there are 5 other islands, all are much smaller.
there are 4 diamond islands ( 2 on each side of the map), and there is one central emerald island, it has 1 generator that is 2x faster than the normal emerald generators. Because the team bases are squads islands there are 2 gold generators on each. At the center of the base islands are portals, when you jump in the enemy portal you do damage to it and get shot out of your portal back at your island.
Because this is TW you buy blocks and their are block breakers and auto-bridgers, swords, and wool and knock back boomboxes because they are short range.
Because this is the bridge there are no pearls and there are no diamond gear.
Why should this be added? Well a lot of players want to bridge, it’s basically the onley game I play on cubecraft.
Why did I pitch it like this: The Hive like to be original and take ideas from their community, Tw has taken a dip in popularity and I think this twist works to make it unique, it also means that that Hive only have to design one new unlock, the portal, you could have a nether portal (flat), an end portal or even a toilet.