Allay-type pet

I think we could all use a pet based off the allay. Maybe make the design a little bigger than the allay itself, and add a mouth and cool facial expressions? The title could be something related to Pixies or Fairies. Maybe even add an “evil” variant, that changes the color palette to something darker.

I really like the idea! But they’ve only ever added non-Minecraft-based pets, the endolotl is a based of an axolotl, but it’s still ender. The cubee is a bee, but it’s cubee not a normal bee. Dragons aren’t even in normal Minecraft :aggressive_laughter:

Also axolotls and bees exist in real life, and allays don’t, it’s a Minecraft-unique mob.
It’d also be a lot similar to the original allay, it’d be almost like using a normal allay as a pet, and they wouldn’t be able to base it off anything else because it’s a one of a kind creature.

You wouldn’t really be able to change it much if that exists, you could make it Hive style, but anyone can just retexture the normal model (I think). It seems like it’d lack a lot of creativity, unlike the other pets.


Sad ender dragon noises


Omg, I’m so stupid LOL

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I was definitely thinking they could make it Hive-style, as the current Allay is a bit simplistic and small. I was definitely thinking along the lines of the axolotl to endolotl, but you are right on the axolotl and bee actual existing irl.
Surely they would still be able to make the pet without threat from Mojang/Microsoft? If not, it would still be cool to have a Pixie/Fairy pet that could look similar to an Allay, while not necessarily using any copyrighted aspects.
I’m sure the pet would be a big hit either way, since the majority of players chose it during the mob vote!
As it lacking creativity, I extremely doubt that. The Hive artists have done some incredible stuff, and I’m sure that if this was added, they wouldn’t make it look bland in the slightest.

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