AFK Kick in Hide and Seek

This is rather self explanatory, rather annoying if the first seeker is afk, and the second seeker randomly chosen is also afk. Afk kick can prevent this :slight_smile:
(Would like to clarify this is afk for the seekers not the hider obviously)

Afk seekers are the BEST you can get. Every kill rewards every hider 10xp if I remember correctly. Not to mention that you still can just do /report if you find them annoying. I see no problem with this, maybe because I’m usually hiding


It would continue selecting seekers as when all the seekers leave,it would randomly select one.

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I realized after typing that, that it might already pick a new seeker if both leaves. I wouldn’t know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen one leave when they’re the only one. Would you happen to know if it picks a third seeker?

It does yes

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As for now its a queue-like system where it goes on with continuos seeker selecting if none is available.
If wanting to implement an AFK-Kick System, the Fact of hiders turning into seekers upon killed and dividing between seeker and hider, can make this more complex than necessary in some cases.

Overall I get where this Idea comes from, as it can be pretty annoying, so I’m upvoting your Suggestion! :slight_smile: