Advent Calendar Idea


Advent Calendar starting from 12/12/2022

More information:

Yet another dumb idea from the top of my head.
Since the advent has already started, It is too late to start from the first of December.


Day 1. - Hive [+] (Until Christmas)
Day 2. - Santa Costume (1)
Day 3. - 100 QP
Day 4. - Login streak recovery (2)
Day 5. - 125QP
Day 6. - Angel Costume (3)
Day 7. - Giveaway on Discord (4)
Train return (5)
Day 8. - Special Emojis enabled in Minecraft chat. (6)
Day 9. - 150QP
Day 10. - Any pet for the rest of christmas
Day 11. - Ran Out of Ideas (7)
Day 12. - 500QP
Day Christmas - Special Minigame

Numbers in the rewards are explaned below:

More Info

This is the part where I have to explain everything…
1 - Could be any costume
2 - If a player lost their login streak, they could recover it. If not, they could interchange it for 100QP
3 - Again, could be any costume
4 - Anything that could be giveaway-ed
5 - Remember the ChooChoo Hub title? This would be a chance to obtain it for players that are new to Hive.
6 - I had seen other servers using resource packs and chat filters so that :Cute_emoji1: turns into a special symbol with a chat filter and that special symbol would be changed in the resource pack to an emoji
7 - Yeah, I have no Idea what could be there


To collect rewards:
1 - On login a popup will appear telling you to collect your reward for that day.
2 - A santa will be on the hub, near the spawn point.

Yeah, that would be it.
Bye bye

Hello! This is an really good idea but an christmas/advent calendar has been already suggested. You can find it Here

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Hello hive usually does advent calendars in the form of presents you can claim one everyday until the 24 this happened last year so makes me think it will prob happen again

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Duplicate Suggestion - Feel free to leave your ideas and vote on the original suggestion!