Addition to recently added costume command

When typing /costume costume it opens the UI and shows every costume with that keyword in its name for you to select. While it may feel a little picky, I’d like the ability to additionally have the costume directly change from doing it. So, what if typing the exact name of the costume in quotation marks would apply the costume without opening the UI?

Ex: (/costume baguette) would open the UI and let you select any costume with the word baguette in it.
(/costume “baguette”) would directly apply the costume whose name is spelled “baguette” without opening UI.

ok I just realized I didn’t even test to see if it was already a thing and i’m gonna be so embarrassed if it is

edit: Nvm it isn’t, suggestion still valid. /costume baguette should bring up all the costumes with keyword baguette, /costume “baguette” should equip the baguette costume

We originally planned to implement this feature with the changes to the command, but later decided against it as it caused a few issues.

For example, if you were to type /costume dragon, to search for the dragon costumes you have, instead of bringing up all of the costumes matching ‘dragon’, it would equip the dragon costume. There are quite a few other cases like this as well.

We’re certainly not against adding this feature in some other form in the future, if this suggestion proves popular :+1: