Adding targeting to report

Getting killed by deaths is normal, part of the game.
Being chased half way through the map by death isnt when they ignore everyone else. Happens quite a lot, to others as well.
Please consider adding this. Thanks

If you were in first a lot of the time, then it’s likely there was a death who wanted to kill mainly the player in first. If you were in a group with a lot of people who kept dying in the same spots, it’s likely there was a death who was semi-casually grinding. If you’re a high level, it’s likely that whoever was death saw you were a high level or high on /leaderboard and wanted to kill you as many times as possible for bragging rights. If you were on your own and a Death waited to use a trap until you were there, even if they could’ve gotten a lot of kills out of it, were you in a party? Was it one of your friends on Hive? If not, then there’s just some guy who’s out of their mind.
I don’t really think this needs to be reportable, anyway. It’s happened to my sister, but not very often and it doesn’t seem to be much of a problem.


Hi, it shouldnt matter if you are playing solo, if you are first ( it happens mostly then ), what lvl you are , whether in party or not, targeting shoudnt be happening at all and im pretty sure its not allowed .

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That’s a legitimate way to play this game. Yes, it is annoying, but their goal is to stop you from winning the game. To stop you from winning they gotta kill you, right? I do agree, it is very very very annoying, but nothing they should change about it since that’s how the game works.

Also this would not be used well by the larger community, meaning there would be a lot of false reports. You’ll just have to go the slower way about reporting and type it out. Gameplay-> unsupportive behavior(I think) then type on the note thingy.

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Umm. Not really. The point of deathrun IS for the death to kill you. It’s not considered targeting for them to want to kill you as much as they can.

Hi i get that. Im sorry i disagree, when they only go for you it is targeting. Am curious, how many games of dr have you played please.

I have played 166 games of dr

Deaths are told the following when the game starts: “Activate the traps to kill the runners, and try to stop them from finishing”.

It is literally their goal to… stop you from finishing. So why would they avoid killing the leading players? If they wouldn’t be allowed to kill the players in first place, there would be no need for Deaths at all haha.

Sure, more knowledgeable players know that going for the people in first grants less experience, as you kill less players, but that is not something you can expect to know from rather new and bad players.

And as said, this would lead to many false reports, as people would report players for targeting, although they might not have intended to do so. Also it was stated in the past that they will probably not add an option for targeting to the report menu, as targeting is mostly only punishable when done over several games. (“Intentionally target specific players, over multiple games”).

At the end of the day, this is all what DeathRun is about. Sometimes you get to escape the deaths completely and win with a significant lead, and sometimes you get killed a few times before finishing.


That is something i want to say but didnt know how to word it/didnt want to.

You described it perfectly. It’s almost impossible to know if a player is targetting because of a player, or their position or because that’s how they play the game.


As i said in my first sentence, getting killed by deaths is part of the game, and i do not have a problem with that. What i have a problem with is anyone being targeted, any game mode actually, and not necessarily being first, i should have added that maybe in there. Im not so good at wording things sometimes, and ive played enough games to know the difference between just getting killed and being targeted. And had i known the whole targeting thing would not be implemented? I would not have made this suggestion. :v:
To me dr is about being one of the best and fun games to play, i litterally love this game , and not about getting first.

Tell me that this ISN’T targetting. The first two traps in the clip you can make the argument “yeah he’s just trying to kill you because you’re in first” and I 100% agree with that. Now when you get to the TNT trap in the clip, it should be very evident that the death was only after MY blood. The death had some sort of bias against me and only wanted to stop ME from finishing. You still want to say that this kind of behavior is fine? If we’re going off of your technicality of

then where is the plural ‘s’ in “runners” in that clip? I only saw the death going for one runner. I thought the deaths’ job is to stop the runnerS. Maybe they should change the message to say “Activate the traps to kill one runner of your choice, and try to stop him/her from finishing.”
Okay I was near the end of the map and there was still plenty of time left for me to finish, so what’s the big deal? Imagine this on a map like Synthwave or Survival where it’s really easy to get caught in a checkpoint loop. The death can prevent you from finishing and it will count as a loss. Leaderboard players would especially be upset if this happened to them and any regular player wouldn’t like it either.
As for the issue of false reports that you brought up, it is a moderator’s responsibility to look into and handle reports. If a moderator is going to complain about having to deal with false reports, then maybe they shouldn’t have that role to begin with. I see staff members in the help-me channel tell players who ask about helper/moderator perks all the time say that you shouldn’t want to be a helper because of the benefits but rather because you genuinely want to help the server out. It should be expected that there will be false reports in ANY gamemode, not just Deathrun. Worst case; they mark it as a false report and move on. If dealing with false reports bothers you, don’t be a moderator.

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Be a moderator if you have such a problem with targeting. Yes, the clip you showed is someone targeting, but you can still report it. Is it too hard for you to understand that you can write why you are reporting them in the text box? Plus targetting doesn’t happen much, just rq. What is it, an average of 600 players in Dr? Yeah, gonna be superrrr hard to get a lobby without someone who will target you😂 Just play for fun, you’ll be fine.

While I would agree that this is targeting, Hive would likely still not punish for that situation alone. As I said, targeting is usually only punishable when done over several games, meaning they would have to get death and target you across different games, which is super unlikely.

Targeting is something that might happen in one game, and after that you will never encounter them again. And even if you do, you still wouldn’t be able to use the ‘Targeting’ report option, even if it existed.

From my understanding of the report system, moderators only look into that specific replay from the game the report was coming from, and as you can only report a player once to avoid spam reports, the moderators would not be able to know that this behaviour was executed over several games.

For stuff like this, we have the report-players channel on the Hive Discord Server. Everything that is more complicated and where they usually require evidence of several games should be reported there. Another example would be “Knowingly team or party with a player using forbidden client modifications”. In this case I assume, they also cannot ban the player that was teaming/partying up with a hacker, unless they have evidence of them doing it over several games.

Sure, false reports aren’t too much of a deal for moderators, as especially younger and mewer players will proceed to report once they died to someone in a PvP game etc., but it still affects the effecieny of moderation. The more false reports the moderators receive, the longer it takes for them to handle the ones with actual rule breakers.

This is probably also why they have decided to keep the report options as basic as possible, because too complicated stuff would confuse players. For example, you can only report specific categories for client moderations such as ‘movement’ but nothing more specific like 'bhop, speed, auto bridging etc.

Same would kinda apply to a targeting report option. If you were a new player, how would you judge what exactly targeting is and at what point it is punishable? In most cases, they would report for targeting just because they died a few times etc…

And as said by DaWhadurMonz above, targeting is not really as common as the other report options, so it really doesn’t need to be added anyways.

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Moderator is a role that one cannot simply apply for.

You have acknowledged that targetting does indeed exist in deathrun even though Rechenheft’s argument made it sound like targetting = killing —> killing = how you’re supposed to play the game. Bottom line is it’s an issue that exists.

With that logic, why even have the whole in-game reporting system at all? If you can report anything and everything through the Discord, then is it too hard to understand that options such as “Movement” & “Flying” could just be explained “in the text box” as you put it? So having it in-game just makes it redundant and there’s no need for it right? Silent Rota’s suggestion is to add “targetting” as option for reporting In-Game. You’re right, a player can report it in their Discord. Except not everyone who plays Hive has the luxury of being able to report via The Hive’s Discord server. Not everyone who plays Hive is in their Discord server, or they may not even have a Discord account for that matter so their only option for reporting is in-game. So to answer my rhetorical question from earlier that asked “why even have the whole in-game reporting system at all?”, it is there because in-game reporting is way more accessible and easier for all players. Reporting through the Discord requires you to have an account and you have to upload your “evidence” onto Imgur or YouTube and it’s a much lengthier process. It works as a way to report, but the intention behind Rota’s suggestion is to make it easier for players to report this kind of behavior.

The way you said that makes it seem like you’re quite confident that it doesn’t happen much. Do you play Deathrun as often as Silent Rota does to know just how much and how often targetting occurs?

This is the kind of mindset that will end off killing a gamemode. Just because a gamemode isn’t as popular as another one means it’s okay to neglect it? Yeah no wonder it doesn’t yield as many players as some of the other gamemodes. Perhaps if it received more care and had a better way of dealing with these kinds of players, it might receive bigger numbers. That goes for all gamemodes, not just Deathrun, but this discussion is about Deathrun and you are the one who tied a number to this gamemode as if a simple number is enough to dictate level of importance. Isn’t that the same reason why Skywars received some hate earlier in its life? Because it reached a point where it was filled with cheaters and it drew legit players away.


afaik death doesn’t have a specified goal, it could be one of three things:
a) To make the game as long as possible for the runners
b) to make sure as few people finish as possible
c) to get as many kills as possible

In the case of only A) does targeting first make sense, make sure the closest person to finishing takes longer to finish. In case of both B and C, you target the group and ignore the few really fast runners. Obv we have no idea what the goal of death is, since they can’t win no matter what, but we can assume that they’re tryna get the most xp since that’s the path that gives the most reward.

Also, targeting in deathrun is possible, its when the death ignores everyone else and focuses on one person. That should be reportable with /report.

Its very much targeting if they want to kill specifically you and ignore everyone else lol

Apply for helper, work yourself up. Actually I think there’s a paid role of moderation you could apply for using the general application.

It does. I believe Rechenheft was meaning overall that’s how it works since targettting really doesn’t happen much.

That’s not what I meant, there’s a text box on one(maybe more) reporting options in game

Should be something like that, I use it a lot to report boosters.

I don’t play Dr much as I don’t find it that enjoyable. I still have played plenty to understand how often it happens. I play mainly tw and targetting happens there too, still not often.

That’s simply not what I was meaning again. I’m bad with wording so I’ll just let Rechenheft continue explaining if he wants. I was meaning that the game is popular enough where you can rq and lose players that do target you, it’s not like sg or gw.
Overall, in theory a targetting option should be there, just wouldn’t work out well in practice.

I’m pretty sure 70ish% of deaths will go after first place, just most are bad enough where you could get ahead and them not know.

Well if you are punished only when you do this across multiple games, then tell me why The Hive has an option to report for “Being AFK”? According to you, moderators only look at ONE specific replay which is the one where the report was made. And I have seen many staff members in the help-me channel on their Discord tell regular players that AFKing is only punishable if done across MULTIPLE games and I can get multiple screenshots to prove this:


Then what good does the AFKing option do if the moderators only have a single replay ID to go off of? If AFKing is a rule that is punishable only across multiple games and targetting would also only be punishable across multiple games (according to you) then why not also have an option for targetting when AFKing already gets one?

You’re saying that it’s improbable, but remember that it’s not synonymous with impossible. I play Deathrun in parties at times and I’ve had a friend who got the death role 4 times in a row… twice. If you’re not aware, in a full lobby, getting death 4 times in a row is a 1/10,000 chance and he doesn’t even have 10,000 games played in Deathrun. And to have that happen to him twice is even less likely, but it DID happen (Targetting isn’t even exclusive to games that were back to back. Targetting could very much happen one game, and then a few games later you run into the same person again and they target you again). My friend here did not target anyone, but suppose my friend did not know who I was and I got into his game for all 4 of those rounds where he was death and he chose to target me (or anyone for that matter) across those 4 games. So what if it’s not likely? It can still happen, and HAS happened before.

The Hive can always recruit more moderators so that there are more people overall who handle the reports and they are more likely to keep up with all the reports this way.

Well these specific examples that you gave of bhopping and speed would already fall under the umbrella term that you mentioned which is “movement” so I’d agree that it would be fine to just keep it as “movement”; however, there is no umbrella term that would cover “targetting”. Unless I am blind and just missed it so if I did miss it, tell me what it would fall under.

That is not for the players to judge, that is for the moderators to judge. Staff in the help-me channel on The Hive’s Discord are always careful with their wording. Whenever I see someone go in there with a clip/screenshot of something that they themselves weren’t sure if it was hacking/against the rules, the staff member that replies back to them will always say something along the lines of “If you believe a player is breaking the rules/cheating you can report them.” They always word it “if you believe…” and tell them to go ahead make the report because they know that it’s a moderator’s job to look into it and decide whether the report was an accurate one or not. If it was up to the players to judge, then they should just be able to handle the report themselves right? (That’s a rhetorical question.)

You’re not playing Deathrun enough to see that it does happen. More than you think. DaWhadurMonz even acknowledged that targetting occurs in the gamemode that he plays more often which is Treasure Wars. If it’s happening across multiple gamemodes, wouldn’t it support the argument that it should be added?

if you have watched evident streams a few weeks back you would know that deathrun
sniping legitimately does exist as sad as it is.

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It’s different though, the targetting that happens most the team in pvp is allowed. You can only go after one person all game, although if you try to queue into their game that’s when it becomes targetting for pvp games. The reason you are allowed to only go after one person is because you would want to take out the best player/team as fast as possible, don’t want them getting gear and killing you.

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Don’t be sorry that you disagree with me! We all have our own opinions! :smile: Plus I changed my mind after watching the video and looking at the evidence! I’ll vote! :ballot_box:

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