Adding Shears on Treasure Wars

Add shears on TW.

  1. The respawn time is hard to deal with when you are playing a team mode especially Trios, and Quads. The way shears can help is because it breaks wool faster than the opponent can respawn.

  2. It would give more of a use of diamonds. Yes I am suggesting it cost diamonds, around 2-3.

  3. It would make the game a little bit more fast paced, Eg. Killing teams are faster, Breaking treasures faster.

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This is a duplicate suggestion, please use the search :mag: to look up suggestions that have already been suggested!

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Hi there dude sounds like a good suggestion however yes people have suggested it before but also sheers unfortunately renders wool useless as it is already the quickest block in the game to be broken. That being said that could be useful in destroying enemy bridges, but possibly promote team saboutage if there’s a slightly slower player on your team building.

As stated, this is indeed a duplicate suggestion. Please use the search feature (:mag:) next time to look for the suggestion beforehand. You can find the original suggestion right here. :grin:

Additionally, for future reference, suggestions for the server should go into the #suggestions category. This is so topics can be easily identifiable.

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Duplicate: [SUGGESTION] Add shears