Adding 3 new kits to Skywars kits

Idea: 3 new kits

3 new kits in Skywars - 1st one is Pyromaniac - The player that selects this kit will spawn in with 5 boomboxes and gets random boomboxes on kill

2nd one is Shocker - Whoever selects this kit gets 3 lightning bolts they can use and gets a charged boombox on kills

And the 3rd one is Flamebreaker - When a player selects this kit they are immune to fire and start with a fire sword

More information:

I do not take credit for coming up with these kits, the credits go to my friends, WafflesDa3rd and I lov buns

Please add these, I think they could add new ways of a player winning.

Very cool ideas, new kits are actually in progress of being added. Also, what would the lightning bolts do?

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Please make separate suggestions and not in one post

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I like all these kits ideas they sound real fun to play with.

Welcome to the forums! :cubee:
This is an awesome idea, and I’ll vote because of it!
Remember to vote for you own posts! :ballot_box:
Have a good day! :sunny: