Idea: Have the original Arcade hub as a bonus level in Parkour Worlds. This could be unlocked by the shop (once released), or after completing all of the parkour levels in the City. This would be a nice way to incorporate the original Arcade back into hive (though the new version is neat too, but it was nice to be able to explore more).
Was planning to suggest this BEFORE RELEASE
But since it has already been suggested all I can do is bump & vote this (and maybe share it )
Same, i miss arcade so much, i would do anything to have it back
This would be great as a tribute to the arcade. I never even got to explore it fully, my game console broke shortly after its release
Love this idea, Loppy Miss the vibe of the arcade too
I wish they would’ve used the arcade as the hub for parkour worlds. The arcade had a bunch of little levels that would’ve been great for practice, and would’ve been great to explore since the hub for parkour worlds rn doesn’t have much to explore besides that bouncy bouncy pad behind the jungle portal.
Maybe instead of the golden mailbots, they could have the ring things that you collect from doing the parkour.
Sorrel Summary
:The forums has a great community with amazing suggestions, and I apologize for what I said.
lol not at all
Is that seriously one of the first things you say after being gone for so long
I mean, most of the suggestions are kinda forgot about. Like, sure, there’s a popular suggestion every once in a while, but I feel like very few suggestions are added (I’m not saying this specifically). Also, by no sense of community, I mean, idk, it’s hard to explain, but I saw someone say “welcome back” and it got removed. There’s a community, but I feel like we’re not allowed to make it as good as it should be. It we be nice to just interact with other forumers and talk about games, but I feel as though it’s not allowed. Also, I’m not really coming back to the Forums, I just wanted to suggest the Arcade coming back. I’m sorry if it came off as hostile, I’ll delete it. Also, so that this doesn’t get deleted, having the Arcade as a bonus level in parkour worlds would be cool.
I wasn’t following the news on parkour worlds too closely, so I was very disappointed to see a watered down version of the arcade hub instead of the real thing. It doesn’t have any of what made the arcade so special. They already had the map that people have been begging for them to bring back, but instead they build an entirely new one that just has the same theme. How did they fumble this hard?
You have now preserved the summary by quoting it cus it was replaced witha B
I’m sorry, I just felt like very few suggestions are added. I guess it worded horribly. I’m not sure, I might just delete this suggestion. I like the Forums, and I’m sorry :C Please don’t be upset, I guess I haven’t been here in a while and… idk, I’m just sorry for what i said
I feel like everyones ignored you, Bubblez.
Yeah, I agree with you. I’m happy how Parkour Worlds turned out (finished all the levels THANK GOD), but how could they have fluked that hard?
The City map was kinda cool, but, like you were saying, took out what made the Arcade, well, the arcade. The monorail, the hive sign, even Mailbot HQ! The main thing that I liked was that I could explore, and you can’t really do that now. It’s still cool to have the Arcade back in some capacity, though.
Oh that was me that said welcome back hivebot didnt even tell me that it got re oved i just noticed it was missing and was confused!
You can explore a little, but you have to make a hard jump (and its prob not intentional either lol)
Instead of five different courses or none at all, what about the hub and an endurance test?
Arcade Medley:
You would start in the giant balloon at the centre, and make some leisurely jumps to lull you into a false sense of security. However, it all goes downhill from there. First is the fan section at Mailbot HQ, before entering the old secret maze into the meeting room, where you’ll leap out the window and make a series of ladder jumps to the VIP tower, where, upon reaching the balcony level, you’ll make a leap of faith to ground level. After splashing in some water, you’ll go through some close to ground jumps with Speed, before reaching the fairground, where you’ll jump up through the ferris wheel and reach the Disappearing Platforms, where the platforms disappear after 60 seconds. After that, you’ll make it to the spotlight sprint, where lights from the cinema below will make you fall right off, before you make your way past the fans that blow you down, before the Gravitational Pond, where quick, precise jumps are key! You’ll then go into Nemo Tower, where you’ll enter a lift and go around Nemo Slap, before getting on the moving platforms above the Main Monorail Station. After a quick fly through the car park, you’ll reach the Duels Tower, go into a lift, and make it through the final stretch, with everybody cheering you on, as if you fall now, you go back to the start… After a final 5-block jump to victory, you’ll be surrounded peacefully by the arcade and given a final 5 star rating of your time, and you can’t fail! Afterwards, you only need to jump down, back to spawn.
Ok, that’s a really cool idea!
with the speed effect, right?