Add Some Kind of Punishment for Leaving a Match

Add a punishment of some kind to players who leave a Bridge match after queue.

I have evidence of players leaving a match of The Bridge for 1. Seeing my level and 2. Just entering and leaving. (I know that the second one could’ve been a mistake queue, but the first one is what I’m focusing on right now)

I’d like to say maybe 5 minutes of ban so that it’s balanced but not too harsh.


You can view my evidence using this link.

Just realized the link doesn’t work. :man_facepalming:

I will find a way for you to see the GIF. :+1:

If you have any feedback, please leave a comment! :smile:

Does it count as a dupe if it’s for a different game mode? :thinking: Please tell me. If so, I am very sorry.

I agree, but a ban sounds harsh. Maybe a lock from direct pvp related mini games for a few days after (sword, bow player damage health types) as I see leaveing in the middle of those as bad as proposed too block drop or party, so if so this stays reasonable

Of course this would be for repeat offenses

Then again for say, capture the flag or other types i find me leaveing mid game due to leader board farmers. Honestly they ruin the server a little for me. I think more concideration to how this suggestion works would be a good idea, especially sense bridge is a player dwindeling mini game. But none the less due to being a good concept with possible better implementations, voted.

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Thank you!

Edit: I have added your idea of the punishment to the post :tada:

I don’t agree with this. People could leave because they were kicked by their Wi-Fi cutting out, or the currently slightly scuffed anticheat. There are also somewhat legitimate reasons for leaving a game early, like if a speedrun is taking too long.
The level thing is annoying, but people shouldn’t be punished for not feeling up to a fight with a high level player. Some people just don’t want to sweat all the time, which is why SBMM is a bad system.


Ok! I see your point! :+1:

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There actually used to be a system for queue-dodging in Bridge; Solos, if you requeued too many times then you would be punished. I can’t discuss further regarding it though because of circumstances sadly.

Anyways, back on topic, I agree with Bubblez regarding valid reasons for leaving the game early. If an average player had to leave unexpectedly (ex. WiFi) while playing Bridge, then they get punished, that player would not want to play Bridge again.


Adding on to this, this would end up lowering bridges player count leading to longer queues, and even less people playing. This could possibly end up killing bridge.

(y’know unless they actually listened to their players and removed the sbmm bullcrap)


Oh. Ok then.

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