They were one of the most popular items in treasure wars so I think we need them back
I think we could get the amount we used to get for maybe 5 diamonds.
I think so because I often end up with too many diamonds and nothing to spend them on in the late game.
It could also be the old 1 emerald.
I think they are adding these in the future.
Especially not at their old price of 1 emerald. They were ridiculously easy to get for how powerful they were, and made players rely so much on them as a crutch for how easily they could send their opponents flying. If they were added at a more reasonable price, maybe I’d be somewhat okay with it even though I really dislike how snowballs work on Hive.
Ale that was just a second option I mainly think we just need SMTH to buy for diamonds since u end up with so many. Rn u can only buy bows which are useful but you usually only need one, same for diamond armour and we also have bridge placers that nobody uses.
Making snowballs cost diamonds is even worse since you can literally get them at your home base if you max out your gen. It’ll just make the game devolve into a snowball spam fest, and that’s not what we want.
Yes(I’m sorry light knight), but hear me out. Snowballs was what made TW different from bedwars, and anyways they could make it more expensive, like currently most expensive thing that is projectile is arrows(and bows), which cost gold and diamonds, so next is emeralds, so my idea is 12 Ems for like 2 snowballs, at least it would help with the kb… and help make free shop better than a fireball frenzy.
Here’s the thing: Yes its different, but that doesn’t always make it a good thing. In the case of snowballs, they are inherently broken since they ignore the invulnerability frame and have no reduction in knockback to balance them out, allowing for them to send players flying. This makes them extremely powerful if they are obtained in large quantities (I see you suggested a price of 12 emeralds for 2, but the problem with that is it could lead to only one player getting access to the snowballs if they snag the emeralds first, making them almost unstoppable), and enough of them can literally send a player from one island to another (I tested this with a friend of mine once). Besides, before this, the only PvP game on Hive without snowballs was CTF (Which I don’t have fun playing at all unless its with friends). Not every PvP game on this server needs to have snowballs.
The thing about projectiles is that besides the bow and arrow, there is no other projectile to pvp with, and with snowballs not being that op(in my eyes) cause just make them expensive so not many people get them.
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no, bows and arrows are fine, we don’t need more projectiles just hit them lol
What if there was a cooldown to snowballs, using one like every 3-7 seconds, so you can’t just spam? And anyways, if someone wants only 2 snowballs, a Diamond sword. And full Diamond in a game, they need 21 emeralds and 32 diamonds, and they only get 2 snowballs.
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12 EmERAlDS?!?! What!?! Thats worse than ObSiDian?!?
dude you know how op snowballs are(not to be rude) but it is a pretty reasonable price. As @LightKnight5742 said, snowballs are op, 1 can start a combo, and with 17 Ems can only get 2 snowballs and a sword, the original price was too low.
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HEY LightKnight5742 i got an idea to make it a bit more fair but still “fun” the hive should make a leather hat that costs like 6 emeralds and 75 percent chance of ignoring snowballs however its a tad bit less protection so take the risk or dont
That’s a great idea! maybe it should also be protected 1, leather is too weak, or make it boots(just Maybe) but I like hat idea!
Uhh… no. We don’t need RNG-based items in BedWars. The luck of the draw upgrade is bad enough already.
wdym? The luck of the draw gives me what I died with(maybe I just get it every time or something) but I like this idea of the helmet.
The luck of the draw gives you a random item you died with. The upgrade would work better if it just gave you the item you were holding on death, but Hive made it RNG-based for the sake of making it RNG-based for whatever reason. In my opinion, RNG does not belong in a strategy-based game like BedWars. Everything that happens should come down to the players’ actions, not pure luck.
Also, the helmet would be much better if it just gave a 75% knockback resistance to projectiles instead of just having a 75% chance to ignore the knockback, because the idea for having a chance to ignore knockback (no offense) is dumb, and makes it too luck-based.
Also fun fact: The way knockback resistance in Minecraft worked before 1.16 was similar to the helmet idea, where instead of working the way it should, the entity would just have a chance to ignore knockback. There’s a good reason why this was changed to work the way it does now…
Why can’t we have snowballs when we have the kb dory. Both can be avoided by not straight lining(snowballs), or placing blocks behind you to stop its kb(and sometimes it just not work for a random reason). Fireballs are op in freeshop, and in normal games. Snowballs bring back that feeling of tw that i liked(kinda besides the sweats). Also, yes RNG is bad imo but it also adds extra strategy instead of being an attacker solely.
I never said I even liked the addition of the KB dory. Infact, I would have preferred if they added a nemo instead of the dory. But anyways, snowballs, unlike nemos and dories, deal vertical knockback which puts you in the air, making it harder to avoid combined with the fact that snowballs are ranged items. Dories and nemos are easier to avoid since all you need to do is keep a distance from your opponent.
As for fireballs, yes, they are overpowered in freeshop, but in normal games, they are extremely expensive being a full stack of iron. That makes them extremely hard to get, and by the time you get a fireball, a competent player will already have good armor by then. The main problem with them in my opinion is that they are too fast, and can’t be hit back, which is part of what made them fun in other games. Also, they don’t deal a lot of knockback, and instead just deal bonkers amount of damage (Only from a direct hit. Otherwise, they suck and are overpriced). And don’t even get me started on the awful dragon breath ball…
You can add an extra layer of strategy without resorting to just adding RNG. IMO, adding RNG to a strategy-heavy game like BedWars is just a lazy way to make it “unique” and “spice up the game”, or in some cases “nerf an overpowered item” (I’m talking about the sword of embers. I absolutely hate that they made it luck-based instead of making it light the opponent on fire based on consecutive hits or giving it limited durability, but that’s a whole other post), because all it does is make the experience more of a gamble and less about strategy. It takes away the fun, and makes the experience more frustrating if anything. I’m not opposed to the idea of a projectile-resistant leather helmet (Infact, I quite like it), but PLEASE let’s not make it luck-based.
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