Add Skywars Royale to the Arcade

I would love to see this back in game it was so fun to fun and was also fast paste game and that made it more fun so people are not camping or afk it forces them to all go to the middle at the end and fight i also believe that many people agree with me on this there are a lot of afk people that do nothing so with a fast paste game like this would be very fun to play with friends and stream. Voted

Am i the only one who doesn’t like the idea of it being a arcade game?
First of all, wasn’t it removed due to lack of players?? Sure, it would have plenty of players at first, but it will slowly die off like it did last time. Ending up with another game like groundwars.
Secondly, three separate skywar games is too much and honestly makes The Hive look very lazy.
Thats about it.

I’d love to see it back, but only as an ltm like once or twice a year. Each time it comes back it should stay for like two weeks and have a lil event with it.


Why dont they add more ltms? They could just be those custom server presets and that shouldn’t be too hard to make into a ltm.

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They could replace mega with this, maybe even every month or so
(i think someone has already said this idk)


I wish arcade was still here :persevere: