In bedwars there are many team upgrades, but aside from regen and faster mining speed, most are only useful if you have a bed and are more of a defensive player. I am suggesting you add sharpness 1 and protection 1 as upgrades. They should each cost something like 10 or 12 emeralds.
Welcome to the forums, @NLdude77_YT.
Most people will think,
“Oh, ThAtS tOo OvErPrIcEd ”
And that is in fact, true, as 15 EMERALDS?!?! WHAT THE SPLODGER?!
And I do, in fact, consider myself a nerd, and others do too.
Yeah maybe it is, i just thought of it like this: 2 dorys is 12 emeralds, and IMO having sharpness 1 on all your entire teams swords for the whole game is better than two dorys. but yeah i can also see that its a but overpriced, maybe 12 ems?
Welcome NLdude77 to the Forums! Hope you enjoy here. Nice Idea but 15 Emeralds? HMMm(villager) . It is too Expensive.
Welcome to the forums
This is a great idea but it should be a late game upgrade and not something you get in the first five minutes of the game. Why not make it cost 25 - 35 emeralds.
some ppl say 15 is to much and then someone says it should be 30
idk like let hive choose the price it was mostly the upgrade itself i was suggesting
LOL Hive needs to hear ppl sometimes.
bumppp lol