Add prestige in MM

i want more levels and unlocks…

Sadly this is a dupe.
Please use the search function next time.

Also welcome to the forums


Bro the monkey gets me everytime LMAO


signing your posts is against the rules. i recommend not doing that

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Wait what? Even im confused wdym? His monkey is bannable?

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i mean yeah. he puts it at the end of every post.

i cant seem to find it but i remember a rule where you aren’t allowed to sign your posts

fsr they removed it from the guidelines.
this is an older quote but i dont see why this shouldnt apply still.


I only post the monke pic when I’m saying welcome to the new forumers
I don’t put it at the end of every post smh

Duplicate suggestion, please make sure to contribute to the discussion here: Murder Mystery Game Update Idea