Add plane in survival games

Survival games plane

So basically you get into the match and you’re in a plane it’s crashing

It’s like you’re in the military and you’re plane is crashing and then it crashes

But before it crashes it sends everyone to eject and you fall and then you have a parachute and you fall down and then you hit the ground then spawn into the match like normal I think that game if it just has a couple things added to it it would be awesome this is an idea to get ppl to play it’s underrated

is that a Fortnite reference


This feature isn’t really necessary because it doesn’t improve people’s experience; it arguably makes it worse because skilled players will be able to get valuable chests easier than other players. Also it’s
a lot of work to code a feature like this, not to mention that it’s essentially useless.

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LOL That’s true

If they added this they might as well just make a whole battle royale gamemode


No really a needed feature since you need to spawn by the end chests in mid, also this would take a ton of modding to make this happen, which would just be a big waste of the build teams time.