Add particles to Final kills

Due to touch players crits are disabled on Hive, this means we can’t get fun kill particles, so my suggestion is when you get a final kill you get a couple small particles on your screen so it doesn’t clog them up during a fight. I would argue that this could be even more satisfying than criticals because it’s more impressive and this would only add to the reward. Of course, democracy exists so lets see whether this is voted for.

Would it be like xp orbs or just particles on your screen?

Xp orbs would look very cool and we could visually see you level up.

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I feel like that would cause lag on low end devices

I would consider this after big hive updated are added

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i wouldn’t go for this. actually you could download a custom damage particle pack that gives u custom damage particles


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Well you can download&use a texture pack that gives you hit particles
And this may cause lag on low-end devices

This is the link to the hit particle pack:

Like that, you can download and use almost every thing from a texture pack. From a treasure chest (which is a steve entity) to mod pack to boom boxes and mystery chest packs.

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cant u use that on mobile tho?

yes, you can
you have to long tap, then clic open with mc

i know how to import a pack
its just people are saying that the crits thing is only for pc, and its not