Add Murder Mystery to the Hive Replay List

Hey everybody! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :wave: :wave: :wave:

I love playing on the Hive, and I am very happy to say that I have now have my own replay pass! :tickets: :movie_camera:

Honestly I am really in awe about how great it is for doing it’s job, props to Hive for that!

Me and my friends on the Hive are enjoying replay’s uses for capturing our clutches and
funny moments in SkyWars :crossed_swords: :cloud:, but :open_mouth: while we have a field day with playing that all day, our favorite game to party on is Murder Mystery

Murder Mystery is my all time favorite Hive Gamemode, and I know so many people would love to see it added as a featured replay mode game :+1: :movie_camera: :male_detective: :female_detective:

Here are my reasons

#1 I just found out about the Hive’s upcoming Replay Competition and the part about stated, “You could create a montage of epic moments, a cinematic, a music video, a funny clips reel…” still applies to Murder Mystery too!

Other people think that it’s lacking in some aspect and some dismiss it just because it isn’t a PVP gamemode, but me and my friends all are DEVOTED to this game :policeman: :male_detective: I could go on about what makes it so amazing or I could just leave some examples right here:

Plushie: Plushie - YouTube


DanTrains222: Channel - YouTube

These YouTubers work hard to make content and they could all benefit from having replay mode (little more on that later)

How Replay Might Work with Murder Mystery :spiral_notepad: :hammer_and_wrench:

I’m no technical person but I would be surprised to find out if the replay system would differ for Murder Mystery than that of any other game :video_game:

Might look just like this:

Here’s some great moments that replay would be just perfect for capturing! :star_struck: :clap: :arrow_lower_left:

Capturing Murderer Eliminations! :bow_and_arrow: :bow_and_arrow: :bow_and_arrow:

Murderer Chasing Scenes!!! :dizzy_face: :fearful: :athletic_shoe:

:bow_and_arrow::stopwatch::arrow_up:SLOW-MO-SNIPES!!:arrow_down: :bow_and_arrow::stopwatch:

Careful Innocents!!! :eyes:

Turn Around Good Sir… I DARE YOU! :smirk: :relieved: :facepunch:

Extreme-Hide-N-Seek-In-The-Dark :crescent_moon: :shushing_face:

It would also make sense to have an events log, detailing kills by the murderer, innocents shoting the murderer/other innocents and the like :notebook_with_decorative_cover: :notebook_with_decorative_cover:

I thought it would be fun to add colors :green_circle: :large_blue_diamond: :red_square: representing the different roles, just like in Treasure Wars :pirate_flag: It tells you what team’s treasure was destroyed.

Just a couple more suggestions for the Event Log:

  1. You can teleport to when the sheriff dies with the tab: “The Sheriff has died! Find the hat to become the new sheriff….”
  2. Likewise there is a tab for when someone takes the hat, "A new sheriff has arrived…"

Problems and Solutions :open_mouth:

The other day I was talking with some people who play MM a lot, and asked their thoughts about Murder Mystery being included with the replay package. They brought up the very good point about how its diffucult to store so much footage.

I don’t know enough about this issue to propose any guaranteed solutions, but what I found out just yesterday is that, besides Survival Games, Treasure Wars and Skywars, Hive actually stores replays of DeathRun and Just Build (although it looks like Just Build replays are only accessible for staff right now) This might point towards the possibility that Hive has solved the storage problem.

The Hive could also:

  • Make the Murder Mystery replays expire sooner

  • Have the player choose if the want to save their replay at the end of the round (this might be unlikely)

I was thinking a lot about this, and I had two ideas that might be worthwhile.
Idea #1 The Hive could update their replay pass, and actually have the players choose which games they want to be able to replay, with each game costing some amount of money to add to your replay pass.
This way the Hive would only have to store replays for games the players bought and drop the rest!
Idea #2 Have an additional replay pass made for Murder Mystery. I would be thrilled about this and buy it even if it was the same price as the original replay pass!

What to use it for? :policeman: :movie_camera: :thinking:

Here is a short list of some fun suggestions!

  • Making montages of Murderer eliminations! :bow_and_arrow:

  • Recording games you win as Murderer! :crossed_swords:

  • 100 Coin Zapper challange! (When you have murderer chasing you on a large map)

  • Trickshots with bows and throwables!

  • High speed Murderer chases (This would be my favorite use xD) :athletic_shoe:

  • PotatoPie25-type-game analysis videos! :chart_with_upwards_trend:

  • Hide and Seek with footage from Seeker and Hider! :shushing_face: :eyes:

And so many other reasons. I am not a YouTuber myself but I can think of many ways it would be great for content creators when it comes to their style of gameplay and video making, such as what I listed above!

I was going to add that it could be used for reporting hackers and teamers but… I’ve only ever seen one hacker in my entire life in Murder Mystery so it’s use would be rare, but still worth it!

THANK YOU EVERYONE SO MUCH FOR READING!!! I HOPE YOU HAVE A WONDERFULL DAY!!! :sunny: :grin: :sunglasses: :beedance::beedance::beedance:

Here’s my thanks to all the people who helped me make this post:

  • Juimango40YT
  • ItsKatmai
  • Dogodoge21
  • ItsMir4cleYT
  • MrAwesomeKid999
  • manhattanmango
  • LilyBites
  • Asurakt
  • falliah
  • AlkalineZebra90

After reading this do you think Hive should add Murder Mystery to replay?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Comment your reason below if you’d like!


Wow you really worked hard to make this suggestion and I don’t see why this couldn’t be added. You got my vote! This was obviously worked hard on and was not like average suggestions in which someone asks for something and makes everyone do their own assumptions

I like how you explained everything and I’ll try to show this to more people so they can see it!

Btw how did you do the replay examples with murder mystery lol


This is by far one of the best written suggestions I’ve ever seen, props


Wow wow wow thank you so much! I used a program called to make the “replay” scenes :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Thank you so much!


Well thought out suggestion…you have my vote :bone:


Amazing suggestion, you really sold it to me.

new user of the month right here


im sold… agreed with @Louiscraft3757

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I personally see hackers quite a lot in MM because they know it’s a little more difficult for others to report them in that mode. Same with Hide & Seek. Cheaters really enjoy hiding inside walls in those two modes. But adding replay support for both MM and H&S will help solve this.

I think they are gradually adding Replay support for all modes anyways. They’ve recently added replay support for DeathRun. But you still have my upvote because it really is needed to fight against cheaters.


Wow that’s interesting about the hackers, you’re right that it’s diffucult to report them since their nametags don’t show up. Thank you so much for your support!!! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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You don’t need to ping me, just reply to my reply.

Yes this seems like a great idea! You got my vote.


This is something that is already in development; Murder Mystery will be supported in a future update.

As an aside, please do not create alt accounts to vote on and reply to your own suggestions :+1:


Thank you! :slight_smile: I am very excited for this.
Normally I’d feel wrong asking the developers for things, but please prioritize supporting H&S in Replay after MM. It’s just as hard to report cheaters in H&S because hider names are hidden.

Some hackers as hiders remain crouched while hiding behind barrier blocks until they are able to leave the game at the end. So their names are never visible. It’s very annoying >.<


You can teleport to players with the list of player names.

there aren’t enough players who would use it and hive would need a lot more replay storage, which will cost more

did u read this


no need to break things up bro. this hamster probally took a long time to write all of this


Yea look how hard he worked on this!
An average suggestion looks like:
Uh yea add dogs to just build cuz why not bye


This has been added :partying_face:
Photo from BlizzLee