Add more statistics in Murder Mystery

To add to the range of player statistics in Murder Mystery

More Info:
Some statistics such as:

  • Coins per game
  • Murderer kills per game
  • Most coins collected in a game
  • Innocent and Murderer victories and;
  • WIn percentage

Most of these stats can be calculated based on the already available statistics, but it would be nice to implement them for leaderboards purposes.

Let me know what you guys think about these, and let me know any suggestions you miht have!

The only one I actually see being added is “Innocent and murderer victories.” All of the other ones are complicated to make as a statistic as they all either involve percentage or averages. I also don’t understand “Most coins collected in a game,” as it doesn’t even seem that interesting or worth it.

Also, you aren’t supposed to make lists, although idc, so, you don’t have to listen to me, just a recommendation. But, if you were to put just one suggestion into this, it would just be the innocent and murderer victories, which I actually like. :slight_smile: :beedance: