Add more spells to Skywars

Add more custom spells to skywars

There is only like 3 spells in skywars, so mining lapis doesn’t really do anything except for giving you spell of live books.

To make lapis a more used/mined ore, other spells could be added, (while still keeping the original 3.) A couple suggestions are:

  1. fire protection spell which gives 10 seconds for fire protection, you would use it in battle to protect yourself from the sword of embers.

  2. spell of leaping which gives leaping 2 for 5 seconds, this can be useful for trying to get to someone who is skybasing.

  3. spell of no knockback that when used makes you take no knockback for 3 seconds, it would be used to get out of a combo, not get bowed of a bridge, or not get into a snowball combo, (this is kinda OP, it should be rare maybe.)

  4. spell of strength, gives 5 seconds of strength 1, its would be used to make your opponent take more damage, but mainly to help take care of people with nemos or protection 1 helmets or boots quicker.

  5. spell of haste, that gives 10 seconds of haste 2. (I decided to throw this last on in even though it wasn’t that useful, maybe it could help trappers, idk.)

Also maybe 6) spell of invisibility, where its lasts for 10 secs, but you cant be hit, and also cant hit anyone else, can be used for sneaking around, or running from an OP player.

I am fine with the first two, but the other three could cause problems. The antikb could be a cheap way of getting out of a combo, and many people could complain.

Also please do not double post. You can edit your original one using the pencil icon


More spells have already been suggested. This is a duplicate topic.

Closing this suggestion as this has already been suggested before.

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