Add more OG Java maps to the game

This is by far the most popular suggestion for Hide and Seek on the forums based on the amount of suggestions for them and votes the suggestions get.

Quite a few of the current maps are very unpopular, specifically Harvest and Construction. There are however, lots of Java maps that were some of the most popular of all time and also suit the smaller size of the average Bedrock map to help accommodate for mobile players.

Although old, these maps still resemble the current design pattern of Hid and Seek maps and have aged very well.

Some examples of popular smaller maps are:


Animal Village


The other popular maps are bigger however, but I believe they could still be very popular in the server. These are:





yeah sure it is :aggressive_laughter:

Not really construction is one of my favorite maps and harvest is pretty good too (very good for running as a hider lol)


Your not wrong, Hive should bring over alot of their Java maps but they said before, they dont own some of those maps because they were fan submissions or something.


This comes up every so often, just posting this here again!


It mentions you brought a range of your most popular Java maps, but to be honest I didnt even remember that a lot of them were from Java, only ones I recalled were Town Square and Pripyat

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That is true, however im pretty sure the super old ones like Hotel and Animal Village weren’t fan submissions since Animal Village was super early, and Hotel was in the first batch of maps for Hide and Seek. Unless they had a community mapmaking project for the upcoming game which could be possible.

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Some Java maps (I would include Animal Village), I believe were better suited for the 24 player lobbies found in the Java server as opposed to the smaller 16 player lobbies now(but some Bedrock maps like Harvest are way too big at the moment tbh :frowning_face:).

Also, I would hope that some map builders would update certain Java maps to satisfy the Hive’s ‘higher standards’ but I doubt that’s going to happen judging by the 6 brand new bedrock exclusive maps released last September or so.

We NEED hotel back tho, that map MADE hns for me omgg


Yeah Hotel really made Hide and Seek, was easily the most popular of all the maps.

As for 16 player lobbies, I honestly find them too small, too many people want to be seeker and half the game gets themselves killed before its 30 seconds in.


hotel was popular because it was impossible to win as a hider as everyone knew every spot and running was hard. same as hospital, which i always called hotel anyway. it’s still in the game as far as i’m concerned

not as awful as hearthstone village but it’s probably the map i want the least


Seekers can learn every spot on every map though. Also running isn’t something map builders focus on when creating maps anyways, maps that are too large simply do not fit well in Bedrock as they did in Java, if you find it difficult to run try changing your route or play a game that is better suited for it.

Lol they both have similar colour schemes and names but their layouts are quite unique from one another

^ A rather poor screenshot of Hotel, but this is what the sort of “kitchen” area looked like.

Lost for words… this map was gorgeous and fun to hide AND seek on.

^ Hearthstone Village


the only reason why hotel was voted was because it was an easy and very familiar map to sweat on, not because it was good. that was my point.
also i play what i want the way i want and it’s none of your business. there are plenty of people who play to run, so builders should adapt and make it possible for hiders to stand a chance against a single good seeker. there are definitely maps where you can do that even now, so they might as well bring back balanced maps and make more people happy.

i don’t remember hiders ever winning in hearthstone village except for once (and even then there was a single person left), and i played a lot of hide. absolute meme that should and most likely will never see the light of day again


It was good because it was fun to hide and seek on, as well as being a well structured and aesthetically pleasing map. It was voted by those who liked to seek AND hide on it. Like every other map in the game, someone can learn all the spots on it. Hotel wasn’t anywhere near as popular as Venice Bridge or Pineapple Port (amongst other maps) so I’m not sure why you’re singling it out.

To continue on from what I stated previously:

Map builders did not think of runners largely because they basically did not exist on Java as it was essentially shamed for being ‘annoying’ and ‘wasting time’ while also being the least interesting way to play the game given that hider mechanics were way more interesting than they are currently. (Jump/Dropsolid, buyable blocks, block levels, more interesting taunts, etc). I’m sure you remember these since you stated you have played Java before.

I can understand that running DOES exist on bedrock, but rather than creating maps that accomodate for runners (which doesn’t make sense for a game named “Hide and Seek”) we should instead make hiding a more fun way of playing by incorporating many of Hive Java’s hiding functionalities like the one’s I have listed. Therefore making the game more balanced for Hiders and Seekers alike.

Hiders would be turned into seekers and win that way anyways (unless someone was cheating/ooming). Hider’s did not need to win as a Hider on Java to get a lot of block XP or a lot of wins for that matter. Every hider main I knew wouldn’t mind being killed as long as they were the last hider, so “losing as a hider” wasn’t an issue for players unless you were inexperienced, unlucky or new.


Yes I agree entirely… If hiding is neither viable nor compelling then clearly there are larger issues at play than just the maps… I do not think it’s an outrageous idea to suggest that hiding and seeking should be the focus in Hide and Seek.

I’d also argue that while the majority of maps ought to be balanced, having some maps that cater towards either seekers or hiders provides more diversity of gameplay and overall balance.


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I personally dont think that response is very applicable towards many of the Java HnS maps. Many of the bedrock HnS maps do not look nearly as good as quite a few of unadded Java maps, at least in my opinion. Many of the bedrock maps are quite obviously not made by people who have played a lot of Hide and Seek. There are quite a few (NOT ALL) giant flat sprawling maps filled with blockpiles and unnatural hiding spots that I seriously doubt some of your long time HnS builders had any hand in making. I don’t really understand what you are doing to measure quality of maps. Just because a map was made in 2014 and doesn’t have new or custom blocks doesn’t mean it’s low quality. Hotel (a Java favourite) might be a simple map, but that doesn’t mean it’s ugly or bad. I don’t see how it’s lower quality than Construction, Chime, or Plasma, honestly it even beats Pripyat, a java map, in terms of looks and gameplay (hiding AND seeking).

Sure you don’t have to add community maps or objectively poorly built maps like Space or Keep but why prevent people who loved Java HnS from playing their favourite and classic maps? A lot of the old maps still look very good and would add a lot more gameplay variety to HnS. These aren’t maps that you should be embarrassed about. The maps are what made this gamemode great. They’re what made people spend hundreds of hours playing “Prop Hunt but in Minecraft”. The map is the most important and fundamental part of Hide and seek.

Some of us have been addicted to this game since 2013, so please, just throw us a crumb. We don’t need ALL of the maps re-added, but why keep these maps just sitting there not being used by anyone? Sure I agree some of them could use a touch-up, but that’s a lot easier than making a whole new map. The state of HnS Bedrock compared to Java quite honestly feels disrespectful as someone who has played on and supported the Hive all these years. This isn’t even touching on the lack of quality of life features that are missing from Bedrock.

Seriously man ask yourself these questions:

“Why do we have Town Square Revamped, but not Villa or Hotel Cali Revamped?”

“Why do we have Talavera, Hospital, and Goldrush but not Pineapple Port or Sequoia when they were all originally released at the same time?”

“Wait a minute didn’t kwirky make a couple other good maps other than China Town?”

“The bedrock community really seems to have a lot of runner mains, perhaps they might like Lotus or Animal Village or Bora Bora?”

“If we’re adding running maps, should we add some seeker maps? How about Hotel. Venice Bridge, or Frozen?”

Are these maps really so low quality that you can’t add them? Has anyone actually gone through and analyzed every Team Nectar/Vareide map and come to the conclusion they’re no good?


Well I have some my own opinion.
The Hive is now a Bedrock server, so the team only consider Bedrock playerbase and community. That’s why it’s Murder Mystery on Bedrock not TIMV.
Also they’ve removed some good points for pripyat, plasma and nexus city, reason is seekers can’t catch them.
I don’t know what’s their point of this game, but for my recent ganes, there are a large number of people who can’t even catch one, and the hns community on Bedrock isn’t really very big I felt. Though I want some java features here as I wanted to try them.
In a word maybe it’s “this game must be friendly, I don’t care what community want”

“Murder in Mineville” (MIMV) existed on Java as well as Trouble in Mineville (TIMV) and was basically just murder mystery of course with a few differences as every game has.

They can remove OP spots on these maps too if they exist then, there isn’t an issue here.

It’ll expand if the game’s mechanics are updated, and Java players may also return if some old maps make a reappearence!

I know MIMV, I said that because the hive official said something similar and I remember it so clearly. Bedrock community do felt so strange.

there are some mighty fine maps that could be added to bedrock! I miss them