Add more hidden titles in hub

Add more titles in the lobby, like Dora the Explorer, to make the lobby more exploratory

I have figured out how to get onto the bee statue in the hub behind the Quest Master’s new position, so there could be a hub title to do with bees and running. It could be “Buzzy Bees”, “Busy Bees” or even “Brilliant Bees”, although the last one doesn’t sound as relevant. Great idea though, i will vote this. I’d like to hear your ideas for new hub titles and how to get them as well.

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I’d like ur ideađŸ€©
I only hav one idea now,that is the title call"Tick-tock Tick-tock" its not very good i know. To get it.U hav to find a clock in a building,which hav some telescope. U know what i mean? some buildings hav those things, the clock can be it style and it will be very cool and good looking

Btw i want to check im not misunderstanding ur idea.Do u mean we can get the title on the bee statue?

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I want this


If you guys have some ideas to bring upthat will be very cool. More ideas would be great

What the
 I’m not supposed to criticise people for grammar, I just can’t read this!

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sorry im Taiwanese ._. im not very good at English hehe😅

 Anyway, I had an idea: How do we get down? for reaching the top of the castle.

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i I like this, but how do we get up there. You have to have a mount to go up, right? This may make players want to buy mounts, but I think everyone should be able to get the title.I have been to the bee statue today, just need a little parkour,its easy for players

Uhh, no. I meant the room.


Here are some directions:

From the hub spawn, turn right.

Go up these stairs, and then go up the one on the left.

Head along the bridge until you’re in the castle.

Turn left, and enter this room.

Head to the top of these stairs.

Walk along the mezzanine until you reach the stairs on the right.

Go up this flight of stairs.

Go through this door, and enter the chapel.

Turn around, and head up these stairs.

At the top of the stairs, keep going forwards.

At the top of those stairs, turn right and go up here.

Once you’ve gone up the stairs and left the castle, reenter through this door.

Turn around and go up these stairs,

Turn right and go up these,

Congrats! You’ve reached the top room of the castle!


Yeah, I did mean on top of the bee statue. But i figured out how to get on top of the houses connected by a bridge in front of the bee statue, so the “Buzzy/Busy Bees” hub title could be put there.

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it could be ‘how did we get here?’ or ‘great view from up here’ as references to achievements lol


When making directions, please use screen recordings, it’s much more understandable than pictures. Then turn it into a GIF or YT video.


Okay, I understand. I went there last week.It’s really easy to get up there, this idea is perfect! ! :laughing:
If anyone has any other opinions, you can put them forward and I will reply them all when I have time.

"How did we get here"this is perfect I like it! !

I haven’t been there yet but I probably know where it is. I like this,i want your ideas

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How about ALL CHANGE! for riding the train for 2 hours?

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I don’t think this is a good idea? ?

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