Add Fishing Rod in PvP Games

Hive should add fishing rod in PvP Games like Skywars, Treasure Wars, and Survival Games

no because it will be bad for mobile players

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:wave:, welcome to the :honeybee: forums, :1st_place_medal: of this is a Duplicate if you use the magnifying glass you can search if the topic you want to make already exists, :2nd_place_medal: if this wasn’t a duplicate put it in suggestions so people can vote on it. Also make sure you familiarize yourself with the Hive forum rules and all the cool features if you want can be found here (click on me)

Also you can find other server which use :fishing_pole_and_fish: so play on those if you want :fishing_pole_and_fish: pvp fights, also it is difficult to use :fishing_pole_and_fish: in pvp as you are meant to switch between them especially for mobile players. So I don’t think this will ever be implemented especially in pvp :video_game:.

Hope this helps. :grinning:

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snowballs are also rods.

This is NOT java mechanics. With the knockback on the hive, you could just click the rod at a moderate speed and your enemy wouldn’t even come close. Exactly like snowballs, but you only have so many snowballs. Rods are infinite

Duplicate suggestion