Add Enchantments To Swords and Chestplates on TW

I believe that they should add like sharpness 1 for like 10 diamonds since there is no full diamond anymore. Or they should add prot for like Chest plates for 10 emeralds because prot 1 with iron would be stronger than a diamond chest plate so prot should be more expensive. Or maybe the prices changed but I think some type of enchantment for stuff will be nice as a replacement for the removal of full diamond and to satify others that dislike the removal of full diamond.

Hey! I believe that this is a duplicate suggestion. Someone else will probably link the original one
To see if your suggestion is a duplicate, please use the :mag: (search) and search for keywords in your suggestion


Yes I did upload it in the normal suggestions but you said I should put it in the Treasure wars section. Should I take The first one down?

The only duplicate I found was my own and it was the one that you said to put in Treasure Wars section of the suggestions. But I may be wrong.

Here are some suggestions that are similar to this :slight_smile:

@Hlzyzptlk please do the honors :stuck_out_tongue: