Add Bed Wars MEGA please 🙏

PLEASE add Bed Wars Mega (with more players and two teams), or I hate Bed Wars.
And why didn’t you just add Bed Wars instead of deleting Treasure Wars?
doesn’t do any harm.

Please :pleading_face:

I never really liked Megas in any gamemode. In TW at least, an entire team is filled with high skill level players who need to touch grass , and I never can win a game. I’m fine with Mega being gone.


Actually, I have found that TW MEGA was afk-able. I mean you would just afk and the other players would do the job for you.


OKAY but you don’t have to play it. I’m not a pro and I think hive is somehow a pro server, beqause there are so many pros! and it was more fun in mega than in solo etc…
It’s a shame if hive doesn’t add it, then I’ll just play games like that on cubecraft because there are almost no pros there, it feels like they only exist on hive and I’ve often won bed wars on cubecraft in teams of four YAY
It’s a shame because hive is my favorite server and cubecraft and the other servers are just :expressionless:
and sorry if my English is wrong, I’m German and use translator :sweat_smile:




That would be fixed


:sweat_smile: yeah on hive but on the other servers not


If you mean with the afk kicking (like the MM one), I agree.


They implemented an AFK kick near the end.

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(Actually this got BUMPED after 6 months… why?)

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To let that guy know about the AFK kick.

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They removed Skywars mega w/ the addition of classic, probably since not too many people played it, which would be the same situation with “bedwars mega.”


With bw player counts, adding mega probably wouldnt be an issue


At the end I grinded TW Mega like I had no Life and I still caped at lvl 34


I agree but bed wars is fun but if they don’t have to have mega if they don’t want to like like I agree with them too since like I don’t think there’s gonna be added but if they do it, I’ll still like it anyway so I don’t. I don’t really care anymore like solo duo and squad is good anyways

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Correct, besides, (this also goes for bed trios suggestions) sky mega wasn’t super popular, which will make the idea not too controversial and not a good idea. Hence, it’s a waste of time :sob:

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I’ve heard people say they’re gonna protest HARD if we don’t get mega with or after season 2. this is absolutely NOT A WASTE OF TIME because it has different maps and gameplay than trios, which was just squads minus a guy.


Bedwars mega would be great, just one problem: teammates stealing mats, so maybe like 4 generators?

Also welcome to the forums!

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What are mats?

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this should be releasing in season 2