Add back turrets in season 3

Ik ik, u guys find turrets hella annoying as its frustrating to keep getting shot by them when u are trying to go for other players, the fact that turrets have quite a substantial range makes it op and annoying too

Feel free to call me crazy but i think turrets could be added for season 3, but with a few nerfs to it.

  1. Inspired by puff shroom, specifically from pvz2, as it only last for a short time then it disappears once its planted, turrets will only last for 1.5 mins when placed after that it auto disappears.

A timer will be above the turrets so that players know how long it still last

  1. Turrets only fire one arrow every 10 seconds so that it wont be too op

These changes might just balance the turrets

Bruh the turret would become practically unless at that point we could use one or two of these changes instea


so which ones should be kept,

Yes turrets where annoying, but with nerfs there would be no point to bring them back. The only way I see them coming back is if they do damage and less KB

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so which points do u think it makes more sense out of the 4 points

Good idea; however, there is not really a true way to balance turrets.


I think they should add turrets back without any nerfs because it enhances the game experience more, the turrets can easily be destroyed with four arrow hits so they aren’t that annoying…

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I would only want them back if they either did damage and no kb or kb and no damage.

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That would be a lot better

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Only vote if no nerfs

I will do a poll on that then the one yall want the most i will add it in

  • Turrets do damage but no knockback
  • Turrets do knockback but no damage (similar mechanic to snowballs in skywars)
  • Turrets do damage and with a small chance (5%) of knockback happening
0 voters

Why do guys not want Knockback, what do you think a turret is even used for damage???, after getting iron armor it doesn’t even do damage, then why make it have no Knockback, that just ruins the point of the turrets.


Turrets are useless. They only annoy people. Hive vaulted them for a reason: they rarely were used and when used they were so literally pointless that for once Hive removed their own bad idea.


The KB made turrets soooooo annoying

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No they arent completely useless, in my defence, turrets serve as a temporary protection where they can be used to shoot off opponents who are trying to cross the bridge that u built, besides turrets can be easily destroyed with only one fireball

And no they aren’t rarely used, i have seen teams using turrets while in bedwars season 1 so i dont know where u get that claim from

Yes, i do find turrets annoying too, especially when im trying to go for a bed and i just keep getting shot by turrets. Dont know why people have to be so against turrets, like i can tell its more of a love hate towards turrets. I find turrets useful at the same time

If u don’t want to use turrets then dont use it lah,


I think the solution to add them back is simple.
ONLY 1 on a base. Three give too much KB.

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But i think it should have slightly more health if one is allowed only

My claim comes from the fact that they were not commonly used. I saw people not using turrets like 30 times more than I saw them using turrets at mid and late game stages. Turrets aren’t very effective of preventing people from accessing your base, basically all they are is harassing fire. They’re more annoying than effective by a significant amount, and saying

proves my point. One fireball for getting rid of these things that don’t help anyone is way too much. All they did was bother people.

Wdym by that, and u said people use them at late and mid game so therefore they got use turrets

People do use turrets, just barely. They’re useless and rarely used, so they aren’t worth having in the game. Harassing fire is fire that harasses. in warfare, its just annoying, just like it is in bedwars.