Add an Easter egg on the beanstalk

This is a bit of a weird suggestion, but my idea is to add an Easter egg on the beanstalk in gravity, and you can get to it using this glitch.

It would be a golden egg or goose or something

People who just want to win so bad always go for it, mostly, they might succeed. My opinion is that it is a bad idea :thinking:

Why its just a nice little thing for people who have time to stop smell the eqster eggs


Bump! i have some (bad) concept art to share. here it is!
Screenshot (3298)
maybe that is where it could be. also an idea i had was what if there was a hubtitle reward for finding it? maybe something like
Egg-celent surprise
ill do a poll :slight_smile:

  • Don’t have a hubtitle reward
  • Have a hubtitle reward
  • Include it in an easter egg hunt
  • It does not matter to me
0 voters

Maybe a hunt for stuff hidden in every single map of every game and hub and lobby and you can get stuff and its forEVER

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Yeah, or maybe you have to specifically find a thing in each game?

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Well I think its good now


how would we get to the egg without dying would there be a little puddle of water? vines? or what else or maybe not take any fall damage when u land within 3 blocks of the egg or something like that

You get there by bouncing off of the slime, and as was said on the original bug report, you can see it at 3:03 on this video

All you do is hold jump while falling and aim for the slime and you walk down the stalj


ik about holding jump with slime blocks but was just wondering where would egg be


You just walk down the stalk enough

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true ya ig u could do that