Add an afk kick to the game

This would easily fix the afk seeker problem by syphoning afks out of the queue and just make the game better over all.

I’d assume it’d be pretty easy seeing as you’ve already coded one for murder.possibly as easy as copying the murder code into hide and make it effect seekers only.

For the information I’ve been told and read about, if the seeker does not kill anyone for at least 90 seconds (For most cases they would be either afk or probably a new player struggling), they would send in another seeker to help.

(Source By Clankstar)

Technically this isn’t an AFK kick but since this is something where an AFK person can cause someone to lose their hider role, there will be a seeker to help out at least. It’s early in the morning and I almost overslept for school.

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Yea but a seeker afk kick would get rid of the problem of afks completely by taking them out of the queue(After all its already in murder so) Also these afk people can get basically FREE Xp, so its quite unfair that this isnt in the game.