Add a wooden sword for every player on the game

Buy stone sword + wool at the start of the game is very annoying
Why? Because some type of player buy wools, then bridge to enermy’s base and kill them
But some of them need to wait to 10 golds then buy stone sword and wools then go to enermy’s base
So they will die at the start of the game
or some type of player that farm kill to gain more xp, but after die, they don’t have ny sword to kill them, so it’s very annoying for the people that have been kill
so i suggest The HIve to add a wooden sword for everyone so it’s will be more well to play

Welcome to the forums.

This is a duplicate suggestion, be sure to use the :mag: to next time!

Try to link the original so they can vote for it too.

here it is

Duplicate Suggestion.