Add a reset Statistics option on every game mode please

Add a reset Statistics option on every game mode please.

Hiya I saw you on discord
Welcome To the forums
enjoy your stay and take a :sushi:

Great Idea!! but make sure you vote for your own suggestion

Ok first of all hiya!! :wave: welcome to the forum’s! I hope you enjoy your stay! :smiley:
Could you please add a little bit more detail? Or a example? Because at the minute I’m sure that this will won’t get considered :frowning: because there’s no detail/example’s. Next time you want to do this just think “what more can I add” “why would this benefit”
I hope this made some sense.

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Short answer: You can’t.

Multiplayer servers hold all their player information. The only way your wipe your specific account would involve entering the server files and deleting the file with your user name on it. So unless you own the server you can’t.
You cannot do so on your own as server files are held by the server host. You would have to either be the server host/owner or ask the owner/host to do so. But most of them would likely oblige if you asked for a reset.

but I don’t Think Clank and Ed and Jolly would give their server files to a random person

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Hello welcome to the server :wave:
This is a duplicate suggestion, please search your topic to check whether it has already been suggested or not in the past.
Reference of the suggestions;-

@maybeSheila @kaiurii @Hlzyzptlk