Add a resdstone kit to classic

In classic there should be a redstone kit with:
1 iron door
3 pressure plates
16 redstone dust
2 pistons
3 redstone torches

Edit: So it doesn’t make your inventory too crowded it could come in a bundle. Like they recently added.

Hope you like it make a suggestion on anything you would like to add/remove

Add dispensers too (and some arrows more for the dispensers if you needs)

And let the kit be called: “the hunter” or “the huntsman”


I like this but could it have observers cus theres no slime to make flyy ones

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huh? what does that mean
u want there to be observers becausee theres no slime to make flying machines?

Yes and also could there be string

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Hmm… I have a better idea:

  • New weapon: The Extender-nator 300! It’s basically like the crab claw, but for hitting, not for building. Looks like those cartoon extendable boxing glove with a ton of duct tape around it.
  • 3 TNT’s
  • 3 Redstone Torches.
  • 16-32 Redstone Dust.
  • A RED-stone hat. Get it? Yeah, it’s just a dyed hat.

You don’t have to add these since most of them are literally in the idea itself, but feel free to do so! I really could not care less! You can take my house, money, car, anything! Just take it! TAKE IT!


… theres not much you can do with 3 tnts 3 redstone torches and 32 redstone dust i was thinking door because of this video they used it → and at 5:45 they used a funny trap

pistons could also be sticky pistons


True… but you got to admit, having a retractable boxing glove is pretty cool.

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