Add a Replay Cinema suggestions category

There are a lot of suggestions being made for the Replay Cinema and it would be nice if it had its own category on the forums :)

yeeaah it got accepted

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What’s more important here is that you’ve changed your profile picture

Looks good

On a more serious note, good idea

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Hahaha thanks lol

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i cant tell if youre joking

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Why would it go in off-topic if it’s a suggestion? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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im still suggesting that this gets added to the forums. idk what you’re on about


They’re suggesting for a separate suggestions channel for replay suggestions

That’s a lot of suggesting

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To make it simpler. They are suggesting a sub-category in the #suggestions category for replay suggestions. Just like #suggestions:skywars there could be a #suggestions:replay.

You vote for it just like any other suggestion.


waiting for fires imput on this lol


How is this topic a discussion

Lil this is more of a suggestion than a off-topic Category

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Oh I am so dumb I thought you were asking for suggestions until I looked back at it sorry lmao

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