Add a pickaxe to ground wars

Because you cannot throw eggs in the build phase and that’s when some players like to block of your spawn? This was already mentioned in the second reply in this post. Unless they add another way of bypassing trollers that trap you inside spawn, having a pickaxe, especially for the build phase, makes sense.


Yeah, but he does kind of have a point.

They could make it so you can throw eggs during build time, they just can’t cross the half way line and you get the egg back when you throw it.

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Someone already commented that lmao

Yes but the conversation continued anyway :joy:

Oh no… not again!
A pickaxe just makes more sense, and is more intuitive!
The only reason you can chuck eggs inside spawn and break those immediate blocks is because they just haven’t added a pickaxe!

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Egg = kill, break
Block = protec
Bow = yeet Egg
Why make it more complicated than that?

because a pickaxe makes more sense.
you don’t think “ oh let me break this block by hurling a fragile egg at it” u think “pickaxe go brrrr”

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Sometimes I ge t trapped in a box so I can’t break out with eggs, so this would be useful

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why did the iq levels in the area suddenly drop


It’s the average IQ of a Hive player :joy:


This comments section shares one brain cell. Thats why we is dum


the braincell bounces around between us like a dvd logo and when it hits the corner we have a thought


LMFO. I remember when DVD’s were a thing!

be the innit

Ill be the IDIOT

Yes a pickaxe would be intuitive, but the eggs make sense aswell lol. I mean you do use them to break blocks already, which is 50% of their purpose aside from killing. Like, I’m not opposed to a pickaxe but I feel like everyone would be satisfied if they did either one.


either way I want some form of breaking blocks, we’ll have to see what they do (if anything)


BUMP and also a pretty good idea as it is so easy to block it off. I think a stone pickaxe would do but I don’t agree on the powerup or the giving blocks back, as you are rarely going to need to break blocks anyway that are that close

eggs dont break ur blocks further than a few blocks from ur entrance to stop people from accidentally destroying their own structures. A pickaxe would preserve this functionality while also allowing people to escape being trapped.


That is a very reasonable and logically sound argument. Thanks. I take back all previous statements