Add a DJ for Block Party

So you know how Block Party is kind of a stop moving when the song stops playing game? In real life most of these have some sort of a DJ controlling the song and when it stops.

As for functionality, I think that at the beginning of every round, kind of how two deaths are chosen in Deathrun, one DJ would be chosen in Block Party. When the round actually starts, the DJ chooses the block that everyone needs to go to if they want to survive. The DJ also controls when the song stops! Unfortunately, this means removing the current timing system and replacing it with a new one. The first thing you have to do would be removing the timer on the normal player’s screen. (The DJ would still have the timer) The DJ has a certain amount of time that decreases every round. In this time he/she/they cannot stop the song. This amount of time would be similar to the amount of time you normally have before all other blocks disappear. Of course, the DJ could stop the song way after the timer ended. They have a minimum of fifteen seconds though or it would happen automatically so that the game doesn’t draw on forever. If the DJ left, a random person would be selected from the other players to be the next DJ.

The way the DJ would be chosen would be kind of how a murderer or sheriff is chosen in a game of Murder Mystery. Everyone has a percentage of being the DJ that increases every round they aren’t the DJ and is set back to zero the round after they are the DJ. The person with the highest DJ percent would be chosen to be the DJ. If the current DJ left, the person with the second highest DJ chance would become the DJ. Kind of how a new seeker is chosen in Hide And Seek when one is inactive or leaves the game. (Sorry I said it was random earlier in the suggestion it really isn’t)

The DJ would have a small DJ booth at the opposite side of the map than the entrance that is slightly raised up so everyone can see the DJ and the DJ can see everybody.

Also about XP, a really important factor sorry I did not add it into the original suggestion. I think that a regular player could get XP how they normally do, and a DJ would get XP somehow related to how many people he kills when he stops the timer. If the timer stops automatically the DJ will not get XP.

I hope everyone likes this please tell me any Ideas and suggestions you have for my suggestion. Thank you!

(Block party is a very fun game how it is currently, and I am not critiquing hive in any way. What I am saying is just a suggestion)

Yeah! Break! One, two, three, four!
Just make the DJ professor Zuk. Like how you look as a death in Deathrun.
End of story.


Yeah you could do that.
Personally I think that maybe kind of how deathrun gives you a skin when you are death you get a skin when you are DJ.

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I said so.

Ok. I like the Idea, but just make it an NPC. The system you have laid out is way too complicated. It would make more sense just to have Dr Zuk be the DJ. (Remember. The lore is that Dr Zuk is performing experiments on you via Block Party) Just make it an NPC everyone can see. It changes nothing about the game itself, but adds to the already kinda bleak background.


Yeah it will be kind of complicated for newer players and slightly less fun maybe if you are the DJ. Though it would be cool if there was an NPC that looked like a DJ it would help the game look a lot better. Idk I am open to both ways the one where a player gets picked or there is just an NPC.


If Block Party were to have a 2nd mode, I’d say this would be a really good idea with some improvements…

Players need to have a fun experience playing as the DJ. Letting them perform actions that can change the course of the game may supply that, but their abilities can’t be overpowered or else it wouldn’t be fun for the rest of the players.
I think that letting the DJ choose when the floor should drop is too overpowered because it lets them decide the length and difficulty of the game.

Instead, I suggest that the DJ can place Color Bombs and also a new map ‘powerup’, an Anti-Color Bomb. This would change the floor it explodes around to a random color besides the color the DJ chose(, meaning it would make the floor fall).
These map powerups would be given to the DJ either before or after they have chose the color so they can place them wherever they want.


Yes I agree wholeheartedly although in my idea the DJ does have a cooldown of sorts before she/he/they can remove all other blocks. The color bomb currently is slightly random and I agree that there should some form of controlling although I disagree that it should be a power up for non DJs.

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Also there should definitely be a certain amount of Anti-Color Bombs and normal Color Bombs a death can use each cycle.

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There isn’t a Color Bomb every round in the current Block Party, and I think that should be carried over to this version so the DJ can place the bombs only some rounds.


This was worth the 10 minutes I spent reading this. Like @DancerMKA1215 said, an NPC as the DJ would make more sense rather than the players (it would make the process of adding this feature less…let’s just say troublesome) The idea entices me, so I’ll vote.

(Also, DJs don’t just start and stop the tracks, we do many other things that the crowd doesn’t notice :upside_down_face:)

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Idk the first thing I thought when I woke up this morning was that block party really needed a DJ. A player or an NPC, it is definitely something that would be appreciated.


This is a good suggesting, but I have a few things to add.
When the DJ is afk, the stuff happens randomly, or a new DJ is chosen.
If the DJ is too slow to choose a block, it’s randomly picked.


This is why an NPC would be better


yeah exactly

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Although an NPC would be better I think it would be an interesting concept for a player to be the DJ. But I think we all agree that there should be a DJ.

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Honestly, I don’t care for there to be a DJ as a prop for the current Block Party. Instead, I see a lot of potential for this idea to become a 2nd gamemode for Block Party.


100% Agreed.

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I completely agree! I have been grinding block party for a higher win rate but it gets really repetitive, and it would be fun if they added at least one more role!

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this would be good as a second gamemode for blockparty just not the base gamemode

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