Add a Compass for the Murderer when there's 1 minute left

So it’s hard for the murderer to look for the others when they are hiding in the place that can be a bug or a cheat. Especially with a map being a little big. Maybe add a compass at the last minute or the last 30 seconds so they can get a chance to win. This would help people who aren’t that good at murderer and don’t have sharp eyes, especially when the murderer doesn’t get to win much. This isn’t just me that agrees, there are others that I play with on discord. What are your thoughts on this suggestion???

Yes! I would love this!

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Don’t you think the compass should be given to the murderer when time hits 1:30 remaining?


Do you guys think they should implement this?? Sorry for the Necro-Post! But we need this implemented! Don’t need people hiding the whole time!

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Apparently they’re not going to add it :frowning:

Yesterday I really hard won as a murderer because many people were hidden. But I found them! :smiley:

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Sorry for the necro-post but I think this needs to be added.

This game is murder mystery. Murder mystery should not be considered hide and seek.


That would take away the point of trying to find the players…

that isnt really a point

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Murder Mystery isn’t really hide n seek is it… The innocents are supposed to collect coins to kill the murderer, not to hide and annoy them…


We have added this feature :slight_smile: